The Diary Game | (06/May/2024) | A good day

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago (edited)
Greetings to all friends


Hi Everybody

Assalamualaikum friends how are you all. I hope that you all will be fine and well. I am also well with they prayers of all of you. I am going to share my diary with you guys.

My day starts when I wake up and it's 5:30 and I was getting late from university, I know it's not a new thing. It usually happens to me😂. I suddenly got up and wash my face and did toothbrush. Then I started to pressing my uniform in hurry because I have shortage of time. My mother was continuously calling me for the breakfast but I told her that first I would got ready then I will come for breakfast. While I was getting ready my van was at my door, I went out late and my uncle was angry on me.

I reached university at 7:30 and I went straight to the cooperative because I had to buy assignment pages. I had to submit an assignment in my 3rd class and I haven't prepared it. I went to class and started making my assignment.

After my second class I was feeling hungry because I didn't do my breakfast and my health was also not good. I asked my friends to go with me to canteen because I was feeling dizzy. We went to canteen I bought and orea shake there. I also ordered a paratha and yogurt from the canteen. I really like their pratha. It was delicious.


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After getting free from canteen I went to classroom because we had a lecture left. We took our lecture then I got a call from @alisha-doll, she told me to come to library because we had some work regarding steemit.

I went straight to Library with my friend. She also wanted to make account on steemit. She was inspired and motivated by all of us and wanted to start steemit. We went to library there we also met @hammad-historian. He teach us about steemit and guide us about basic information. He is a good mentor. So we then made account of our friend and made some pictures for her.

After sometime there were also some of our more friends. They also joined us. We sat there for a while and talked a lot.


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After a while it was time for my van and I didn't realise that it was time for my van. When I watched time on my mobile. I immediately got up from there and went outside with my friend. I was in a great hurry and it was very hot and sunny today. I was sweating a lot and I was also thirsty. When I went out my van was there.

I sat in the van then other girls arrived and I reached home at 3 o'clock. My mother was not at home, she was at my aunt's place. I was so tired that I just washed my face with cold water and drink alot of water because it was very hot outside and I was parched. It was a very good feeling when you drink water in this hot weather, it feels like paradise. Water is such a blessing for humans as well as animals. We should place some pots at our terrace and at walls so that birds can drink water in this hot weather.


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I was so tired and my health was upset because of the temperature. I don't like summers because life becomes so much difficult, you can't even perform your daily functions like going to university and studying. When I reached home I went to sleep. I plugged on fan and immediately slept.

I was so tired that I woke up at 7 o'clock. I got up and wash my face. I noticed that my mother was not at home. I was feeling hungry because I didn't eat anything when I returned home from university. I opened the fridge and there were rice. I ate them and then I asked my brother to drop me at aunt's home. I went there and met my mother.

Actually my aunt shifted in her new home and my mother was helping her in arranging his furniture and other things. There were a lot of mess all around.


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We helped her in settling all the things. MashAllah her house was very nice and beautiful. We all praised. She was very happy. I think it was a wonderful feeling when you shifts in your new home. We helped her a d she was very thankful to us. There were also some workers who are still working on something, like the stairs are not ready yet. They are cleaning them. We also arranged the crockery in the kitchen. It was looking very beautiful.

She also asked me to order some home Decor items for her new home. I showed her several items on Daraz. She really liked them and asked me to order. I did so. Then we decided to go home because it was really late and we have to do dinner. We were really hungry. While returning home. We stopped at a shop and buy some pastries from there. I was craving for them.


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It was very yummy and sweet. Finally we reached home and my sister had prepared dinner. She served us food and we enjoyed our food very much. She made chicken, which was really delicious. My mother was feeling tired so I gave her medicine. Then she went to sleep.

I was also tired because it was a busy day for me and I was also ill so I decided to go to sleep because I have to woke up in the morning early. I used my mobile phone for a while then I slept.

So this is how I spend my day. I hope you guys like it and enjoy while reading my post. Keep supporting me. I am really grateful for your support. Thankyou❤️

Thanks for reading my post

Best regards



Hi @gondalsavera

I will be very happy to know that you have breakfast first thing in the morning because breakfast is very important for health. And then you went to the class room after that discussion room and created your friend's account and told her all related to Steemit, of course Steemit is a very good platform. After that you went to your aunty and you helped her in decorating her new house. Look really nice to see this........

Best regards

Thankyou so much❤️


I hope you are well and your post is very well done I am very happy to see that you are doing so well and as I thought you are doing better than me. I am very happy to see that you are doing and I would like to tell you to keep working hard and you have had a great day. You have met everyone in the library.I have also met you in the library and I am very impressed with your picture quality and the way you take pictures. You keep working in the same way

Hi @gondalsavera
i have read your post. Your post is very good. By reading your post I come to know that you wake up in the morning you didn't have breakfast. Then you did breakfast in the university. You ate pratha and Oreo shake. It looked very yummy. You had discussion with your friend that you came home and sleep. You had a great day. I am happy to read your post. Best wishes

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