Steemit Engagement Challenge | S13/W5 | 90's vs 2K

in Hindwhale Community10 months ago (edited)

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90's vs 2K
Tema minggu ke 5 dalam tantangan keterlibatan Steemit di Hindwhale Community, membuat saya seperti kembali mengingat masa-masa yang telah berlalu. Cukup banyak ingatan yang melekat tentang apa yang pernah terjadi, semua tersimpan dengan sangat rapi dalam ingatan saya. Saat membaca tema tantangan keterlibatan Steemit, saya kembali membuka lembaran-lembaran masa lalu, dan ini sangatlah menyenangkan.
The theme of Week 5 in the Steemit engagement challenge in Hindwhale Community, made me feel like I was back to remember the Times that had passed. There are so many memories of what happened that they are all very well preserved in my memory. While reading the theme of the Steemit engagement challenge, I went back to the pages of the past, and it was a lot of fun.

Saya cukup beruntung dan bersyukur masih diberikan kesehatan dan kecukupan oleh tuhan, sehingga saya dapat merasakan era 90an dan bisa berada di era 2000an. Masa kanak-kanak menjadi masa paling indah yang saya lewati di tahun 90an, dan masa-masa remaja/dewasa yang penuh dengan dinamika, juga dapat saya rasakan hingga kini. Sesuatu yang benar-benar saya syukuri dan menjadi kenangan paling indah untuk saya ceritakan, masa lalu yang masih terus membekas.
I am lucky enough and grateful to still be given health and sufficiency by God so that I can feel the era of the '90s and be in the era of the 2000s. Childhood was the most beautiful time I passed in the 90s, and the teenage / adult years were full of dynamics, I can also feel until now. Something that I am truly grateful for and the most beautiful memories to tell, the past that remains imprinted.

picture illustration: children's drawings in school, derived from personal photos

Jika Anda hidup di kedua generasi tersebut, seperti tahun 90an dan 2k, mana yang paling Anda sukai? - If you lived in both generations, like 90s and 2k which one did you like the most?
Di negara saya Indonesia pada era 90an menjadi era dimana teknologi sudah merambat masuk ke beberapa sektor, perubahan pola pikir serta cara masa lalu sedikit demi sedikit mulai di tinggalkan, masyarakat satu persatu sudah mengenal beberapa kemajuan di beberapa bidang. Dunia anak-anak pun berubah, semua diberikan akses dengan kemudahan teknologi.
In my country Indonesia the 90s became an era where technology has crept into several sectors, changes in mindset, and the way the past little by Little began to be left behind, people one by one have known some progress in several fields. The world of children is changing, all are given access to the convenience of technology.

Tahun 2000an perubahan-perubahan kemajuan sudah mulai digunakan, pada era ini semua masyarakat sudah mulai mencoba merubah gaya hidup serta mencari kemudahan yang ditawarkan teknologi, hal ini terlihat mengalir sangat deras. Tahun 2000an juga semua bentuk pola pikir dan cara kerja masyarakat jauh lebih mudah dilakukan, teknologi membuat keadaan sederhana di masa lalu tergurus dengan sangat cepat.
In the 2000s the changes of progress have begun to be used, in this era all people have begun to try to change lifestyles and look for the convenience offered by technology, it looks very heavy flow. The 2000s also all forms of mindset and the way society works much easier to do, technology made simple circumstances in the past taken care of very quickly.

Jika di tanya mana era yang saya sukai, keduannya memiliki pengalaman serta perubahan keadaan yang berbeda-beda. Sehingga bagi saya pribadi kedua era tersebut sama-sama saya sukai, semua dapat saya nikmati dan rasakan.
If asked which era I like, both have different experiences and changes in circumstances. So for me personally both eras I like, all I can enjoy and feel.

picture illustration: children's drawings in school, derived from personal photos

Bagaimana kehidupan sekolah sekarang, dan bagaimana rasanya di tahun sembilan puluhan? - How is school life now, and what was it like in the nineties?
Tahun 90an awal, saya masih duduk di bangku sekolah dasar, sistem pendidikan saat itu menggunakan sistem pendidikan caturwulan. Sebuah sistem pendidikan yang memberi kesempatan bagi siswa untuk dapat menerima materi pelajaran yang terbilang cukup banyak. Namun kehidupan persekolahan saat itu sangatlah menyenangkan bagi saya pribadi, ikatan kebersamaan, sopan santun, serta sikap saling menghargai dan menyayangi menjadi hal yang melekat di setiap pelajar. Di sekolah bukan saja belajar, namun dapat berinteraksi dengan penuh keakraban serta sikap saling membantu antar sesama siswa.
In the early 90s, I was still in elementary school, and the education system at that time used the chessboard education system. An education system that provides opportunities for students to be able to receive a fairly large amount of subject matter. But school life at that time was very pleasant for me personally, the bond of togetherness, good manners, and mutual respect and love became inherent in every student. At school not only learn but can interact with full familiarity and mutual assistance between fellow students.

picture illustration: children's drawings in school, derived from personal photos

Berbeda halnya dengan kehidupan sekolah dimasa kini, siswa dibebaskan untuk berkreasi dan berinovasi. Dampak kurang baiknya adalah dimana siswa kurang mengedepankan kepekaan terhadap sesama, banyak pelajar tidak menikmati waktu-waktu meraka, mereka sibuk dengan diri mereka sendiri, semua berubahan dengan sangat cepat.
Unlike the case with school life today, students are free to create and innovate. The less good impact is that students are less sensitive to others, many students do not enjoy their time, they are busy with themselves, and everything changes very quickly.

Bandingkan hiburan tahun 90an dengan hiburan 2K. - Compare 90s entertainment with 2K entertainment.
Bagi anak laki-laki seperti saya atau remaja di era 90an, hiburan terbaik adalah berkumpul di sebuah lapangan yang luas, bermain sepakbola tanpa alas kaki adalah hiburan yang menyenangkan. Ditambah lagi alam yang sangat bersahabat, pada saat air pasang diwaktu siang datang, maka berenang bersama adalah kenangan yang tidak terlupakan oleh saya.
For boys like me or teenagers in the 90s, the best entertainment is to gather in a large field, playing football barefoot is fun entertainment. Plus nature is very friendly, when the tide comes at noon, then swimming together is a memory that is not forgotten by me.

Kini anak-anak era 2000an sudah dimanjakan dengan permainan yang virtual, mereka tidak perlu berinteraksi di dunia nyata, dunia maya menjadi pilihan mereka. Belum lagi terdapat banyak hiburan di Mall bagi yang berada di kota-kota besar, menjadikan semua itu hiburan masa kini.
Now the children of the 2000s era have been spoiled with virtual games, they do not need to interact in the real world, the virtual world is their choice. Not to mention that there is a lot of entertainment in the Mall for those in big cities, making all of it entertainment today.

Bandingkan permainan/olahraga tahun 90an dan 2K - Compare 90's and 2K's games/sports
Hobi bermain sepakbola, volly serta takraw bisa dimainkan dimana saja buat anak anak 90an, tanpa alas kaki menjadi ciri khas pada masa itu. Ini berbanding terbalik dimasa sekarang, lapangan luas yang sudah berubah fungsi menjadi tembok-tembok yang tinggi, membuat permainan olahraga masa kini berpindah ke indoor di lengkapi dengan sepatu Futsal untuk memainkannya.
Hobbies playing football, volleyball, and Takraw can be played anywhere for 90s children, barefoot being a characteristic at that time. This is inversely proportional to the present, a large field that has changed its function into high walls, making sports games today move indoors and equipped with Futsal shoes to play it.

Sekian postingan singkat partisipasi saya, semoga menjadi bacaan yang menarik. Saya mengundang @radjasalam, @alee75 dan @ikwal untuk berpartisipasi, semoga beruntung.
So many short posts about my participation, hopefully, it will be an interesting read. I invite @radjasalam, @alee75, and @ikwal to participate, good luck.

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 10 months ago 

Nice analysis of your two decades. Yes each thing has different characteristics you enjoy both and see equally in acceptance.

 10 months ago 

You are right, it is important to adapt to the times, and enjoy every change.
Thanks for your comment.

 10 months ago 

Benar sekali tahun 2k semua gaya hidup manusia telah di tunjang dengan fasilitas internet sehingga semua kebutuhan hidupnya dapat terpenuhi hanya melalui tombol gadget yang mereka miliki :)

 10 months ago 

Dan sampai sekarang kita semua bisa menikmati bagaimana menyenangkannya memanfaatkan Steemit, sebagai penyalur hobi dan juga bermedia sosial Pak. sesuatu yang belum ada di tahun 90an. Salam terbaik untuk anda Pak.

 10 months ago 

You have written alot, indeed swimming together as kids when the tides come is a great memory to evoke. It is really beautiful too playing ball too. The golden gen Z today are so engrossed in virtual games that they barely play in real life. You evoked memories too for me. I'll be dropping my entry soon on this matter. Success in the challenge.

 10 months ago 

Two different times, it's nice to be in between. thanks friend

 10 months ago 

Well Said..
I'll be dropping my entry soon

One thimg I have always loved about your post is the way you make it easier for translation by diversifying the languages... Good job friend...
Technology has completely transformed our world from the 90s to the 2k. Cell phones went from being a luxury item to an essential part of daily life. The internet has become ubiquitous, making information and communication more accessible than ever before. Social media has changed the way we connect with each other and share our lives. Even our daily activities have been transformed, with online shopping, streaming, and delivery services becoming the norm. These changes have brought us a level of convenience that the 90s could never have imagined........
In the 90s, kids often played sports like football (or soccer, depending on where you're from) barefooted. This was especially true in developing countries, where most kids didn't have access to proper sports shoes. Playing barefooted was a fun way to bond with friends and get some exercise, but it also had its drawbacks. Playing without shoes meant kids were more likely to injure their feet and get cuts and scrapes......
School fun activities in the 90s often focused on group games, like dodgeball and kickball. There was also a focus on outdoor play and recess, with kids getting plenty of time to run around and use their imagination. In the 2k, there's been a shift towards more structured activities, like organized sports leagues and academic clubs. These have their benefits, but some argue that the unstructured play of the 90s was essential for developing creativity and social skills......

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge.....

 10 months ago 

Perfect comment, you really become an interesting reader. Everything you mentioned represents some of the differences that occurred in the 90s and 2000s, I agree with you. Thanks friend,

Hai 🌟 Blogmu membawa nostalgia indah tentang era 90-an dan 2K. Mengenang masa sekolah dan permainan tradisional memberikan gambaran yang menarik. Perbandingan antara gaya hidup dan hiburan antara kedua era juga sangat menarik. Teruskan berbagi kenangan yang berharga! 👏✨

 10 months ago 

Thanks guys, it's great to hear your comments.

 10 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

La diversión en la era del 2000's es netamente virtual y, en lo personal prefiero quedarme con la de los 90's porque, nuestra capacidad fisica y motora también estaba presente, siendo esto importante para nuestro desarrollo y más cuando se es niño. Aunado a ello, en los 90's los juegos eran más inclusivos porque, jugaban grandes y chics.

Te felicito, hiciste un gran trabajo💚

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