The Diary Game: My Yesterday Working Activtities||19/04/2024||

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago
Greetings to you all my Steemians from me @etette ,it a pleasure having you guys this day. It a season for everyone to work hard over here in my country Nigeria because of Economy situation the citizens are Experiencing., Every one are doing one thing or the other to survive the current situation. So I will like to share with you my ideas of business activtities of yesterday work. I welcome you all to my blog .

The Mooring Activtities

It a normal season that every person are busy in obe way or the other to provide food on their table,so in the morning,I went to were I bought my own palm friut produces to work on it pieceing them into smaller form for easy removal from the main bunches. It was a serious and hard step of work, though it is well profitable. The photograph shows me at the side of the business.

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3
It was a business ideas that I had last month to do the investment.
It took Me a lot of hours to run this tasks only me in the morning.

The Afternoon Activtities

During The Afternoon ,I was still at the site cutting the palm fruit, and out of 83 bunches ,I have be able to cut 50 bunches that afternoon, while I was still working,a little boy of 15 years came and help me,he is my tenant son,the young had tried a lot to help me work well with full force to finish the cutting of the palm friut.

The cutting pieces


Palm friut in bunches

After a lot of streefull task by 3:20 pm when the sun was so high and the weather was hot, I send for a bottle of soft drink to cold down myself and at least regain a little strength.

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3

So before 4:30pm I was through with the tasks.


At home when i return from the work,I was so weak and tiered, so I first of all took my bath and relax a little. By 5:30pm,I tried to look for what to eat,I cook Plantain for my dinner. I rush and bought this few food stuff because I had the plantain at home already.

• Onion
• Crayfish
• Maggie Cub
• Dry Fish

I prepare a delicious meal that yesterday evening, and After like 45 minutes, my meal was ready and I served my self .
I really enjoyed the meal ,


Shoot from Tecno Pop 3

That was how my business working activtities when and others activtities after work. It was really a successful working day.

Thank You For Having Me And reading my post

 3 months ago 

Nice post bro, Are there many palm trees in your town? enjoy the nature, keep it up


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