CONTEST ALERT: "Weekly Contest 11||The Diary Game||How I spent my day

in Hindwhale Community8 months ago (edited)

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3
Salutation to you all my Steemians in this great Community,am so much excited to be among the contestants in this week Contest , I do appreciate the hindwhale Community for always coming up with this Contest on steemit platfom,it really a pleasure.
I will like to share with you how I spent my day.(Friday 20th Oct,2023)


Today Friday 19th Oct,2023 was a very busy day for me. When I woke up in the morning,I was not feeling so well that was around the hour of 5 AM,I relax my self on bed and meditating songs. It was just like I will not be able to go out for my daily activities. So when the break I prayed before going out, the was the weather was not favourable and I was catching cold because the day started with heavy rain.

So I decided to stay indoor and prepare my breakfast while waiting for the rain to subside,
I cooked rice in the morning, it took me 45 minutes to finish up with the cooking,I ate it and after took my bath and prepare for work
The picture shows the rice I cooked

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3
After i ate my food,I left the house to work by 9:20 AM.
When I reach my work place,I set up my Stand and start working till 12 noon.


At noon time, I was still doing some work, printing out people's documents and Attending to some online work that people kept for me, it was a serious working hours for me

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3
The picture shows me on duty all though the weather was not clear enough.
I photocipy a lot of documents for my client that call me since in the morning during the rain.
The picture shows the text book I photocipy and the realm of paper I bought.
I photocipy the whole of the text book from chapter one to the last chapter,I collected him.30 naira per copy which is the total of # 4860 in my currency which 4830 Steem equivalent.



Shoot from Tecno Pop 3

It was a busy day for me, in fact I couldn't go out for break time. I delivered the client. And I close the shop by 3:54 PM.

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3

I bought a plate of Plantain for my lunch at the rate of # 2000 Naria a plate which is about 10 Steem equivalent.
I really enjoyed the lunch.


When I reach home, relax a little and later by 8:20 PM, I go to my video shop to do some work editing stuff

Shoot from Tecno Pop 3
After finishing the job at night,I tried to prepare the account statement for the day expenses.

Items I bought were:
• A plate of Plantain ===== # 2000 Naira
• realm of paper ========. # 3800 ✓✓
• Banana ========. #. 500 ✓✓
Total Expenses =====. # 6,300 ✓✓
I have spend a total of # 6,300 naira for the day in my country currency, which is 30 Steem equivalent.

My Steemians that is how my day went through.

I invite @goodybest,@chant, @trafalgar and @nsisong2022 to partake in this Contest if they have not done it.

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