Weekly Contest 09 || Betterlife : The Diary Game (28-09-2023)- I had a busy day at the office and on the steemit platform.

in Hindwhale Community9 months ago


Hello everyone. I am @enamul17.
From #Bangladesh.

Assalamualaikum dear friends,
Welcome to my another beautiful blog. Hope all of you are well by God's grace. Alhamdulillah, I'm also fine. First of all I would like to thank @m-fdo for organizing the weekly Diary Game Contest. Today I'm back with my daily lifestyle blog. Hope all of you are interested in knowing about my today’s diary. So let's start my today’s diary blog.


Woke up a little early this morning because today is curation day with my steemcurator06 account and today is my last curation day for the month of September. So I wake up around 7 am and then I'm fresh. Later I drink water mixed with Isabgul and Tokma which is my daily habit. But now can't drink it regularly to keep up with the times. Anyway after that I started curating with SC06 account. It is a very important responsibility that I am trying to fulfill properly. I curate by taking time and checking each post properly. After curating I finished my breakfast and rested for some time.


Its moments in the morning when I curate posts and when I go to eat.

Later I took a shower around 11 and then I sat in the room for some time and started preparing an article for Steemit. Then when it is 1 pm I get ready to go to office and before going to office I go to aunty's house to have my lunch. From there I finished lunch after which I rested for some time and then I left for office and reached office by two o'clock. I went to the office and saw that there is a lot of work today. Today two of the plant's clarifiers are being emptied and some electrical and mechanical people are working on installing new blowers in the blower room.


At the time of entering the company and observing all the machineries of the plant.

When I go to the office, the first thing I do is water the leaves of the clarifier, because the sludge accumulates there, so it is very important to clear it. Do this slowly for a long time. Then I visited other sectors of the plant. After doing such small work from noon today, it was almost afternoon and I went to the lab room around 6 o'clock and rested for some time.


When the clarifier is emptied and the sludge is removed from it.

In the evening, I sit in the lab room and sometimes log on steemit and there I visit posts, vote and comment. Sometimes I go to the control room to check how far the blower is working and talk to the people working there for a while and talk about how much time it will take. Anyway I then went back to the lab and started curating again with the sc06 account. And by the time I finished my curate it was about 9:30pm.


At night when some welding engineer repairs the air blower machine.

My office time is also almost over and in some time the work of blower is complete and I start the blower and everything in the plant starts working properly. Next when it was 10 pm I went directly to aunty's house and freshened up and had dinner there and then I went home. Then I brush at night and get ready for bed. Today, I feel tired because I am very busy with work all day, so I go to sleep at night without delay.

I hope everyone enjoyed reading my post. This is how I spent 28th September. For the contest I would like to invite @nishadi89, @jyoti-thelight & @msharif.

Best Regards By




 9 months ago 

I am very happy that you always spent your most time of office work and steemit community. Your presentation is so good. Thanks a lot for sharing. Brother

 9 months ago 

You have spent a busy day with blower .I am happy that your hard work was successful and the blower started working properly. Your day was full of hard work.

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