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RE: S16/W5 - If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which 3 countries would you choose?

I would like to be close to the famous forest with its majestic trees, living nearby or at the foot of a volcano

Well, it was from 2014-2017, I mostly spent my time deep in the rain forest alone and (literally) finding something to sell, and when I had enough, I came home to see my dear family and spent a week at most and then back there again.

Living alone in the bushes with the nearest civilization was 3 day walk, creating a peaceful mind but at some point, I talked to the trees, rocks, and even to flowing water in the stream.

Some say I was running from my responsibility, some say I was learning magic, but no one knows that I have nothing to earn and started to think of getting something from the jungle and selling it to feed my family.

3 years lived my life just like a nomad tribe, gaining more confidence in living in nature, but one thing I missed most was my "kid's smiling face" and that is my morphine to stay awake in the jungle just to make their smile come true, it was hard indeed.

Back to your story: You like to stay close to the jungle and mountain and river, with small and safe shelter, free to breathe and do what you like most is also my dream, and I invite you to start it from Indonesia with relatively cheaper living cost.

Wish you all the best


I loved reading you, you make a good storyteller! If it comes to the forest I know what you mean and the feeling to be left on your own.

It's not a bad thing to talk to the trees, hug them and speak to the river and the rocks and stones.
Did you know that in the Celtic stories the rovks are the first living beings and seen as 'the elderly' the wisest. It's a rock we need to build on right?

I understand it's hard to miss the smiling face of your child and the fact you can't hold and protect it because you are simply not there because of the need to find a way to take care of your dearest and focused on staying alive.

I must say I admire you because you did the hardest thing one can do which is leaving your family behind to take care of them. How many would do what you did?

It's strange how people do not look closer and not even wonder how you managed during all those years.

I hope you are doing better now and you and your family are closer than ever before.

May I ask what exactly you found to sell? It's fine if you don't like to answer this.

Do you have all nearby what you mentioned? How will my life be if it comes to being a single woman in Indonesia?

Do you have a certain spot in mind for yourself?

Perhaps if you tell me I can google the area a bit.
Thsnk you for your great respond and sharing your experiences with me.


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