Contest| Throwback Moment: Share a Memorable Childhood Story
Hello Steemians! I agree we all have a story or two that brings a smile or maybe tears of joy or sorrow in our eyes as and when we remember them. I'm here to participate in Share a Memorable Childhood Story by @deepak94. I invite @patjewell, @simonnwigwe, @suboohi, and @solaymann to tell us their story.
I was sixteen
So, let me write about my childhood days and write something that was truly a life-changing incident for me. You know this is easy to write about the future because one can write about his plans to do what he intends to do in his future, but to write about his younger days is not so easy because it makes one feel, “I wish I could do this or do that.” But I will tell you honestly and give you my story that changed my life.
When I was 14 and big enough to keep my mom happy, but I always annoyed her with my naughty actions. You know I didn’t like the badmouthing I received from her at least twice a week, so it’s time I should have changed myself or faced the music continuously.
I should have changed to make my mom happy! Yeah, that’s what would have been the first action I should have taken at my younger age.
But I was fourteen running in the fifteenth and not aware of what was in store for me at that age, so I often annoyed my teachers, and my cute looks and innocent face did not help my cause.
To be frank, I didn’t even know what was good for me yet but try to be a good child. I thought I was not the happiest child because my father didn’t bring all the toys I asked for, so I was never satisfied with whatever he gave me.
Now I feel that in those days I never felt as though I fit in this world perfectly. There were a few reasons I felt I deserved more than I got. Let me accept. I always thought standing up to the demands of my parents and teachers was not just.
I loved playing cricket and badminton and thought a bright future was waiting in the coming years as a sportsman. I also knew that my father was dead against sports, as he wanted me to become an engineer just like himself.
I remember his eyes sparkling with dreams in his eyes when he asked me, “This is your 15th birthday; what's your future plan?”
I remember I almost said "a cricketer,” but I stopped and said, “engineer.”. I did not want to disappoint my dad by revealing the truth. By the way, I was good at cricket and could succeed as a cricket player. However, I kept practicing at my school without bringing it to the knowledge of my father.
I was almost fifteen and doing okay in my studies and cricket. I had played in the prestigious interschool tournament and got selected for the district team, and according to my coach, my chances of selection in the state team next year as one of the youngest to do so encouraged me to do even better.
That was a lovely feeling, and if I was dreaming big as a future cricketer playing for my state in the coming years and then for my country, I deserved those dreams.

I was sixteen
I know now it’s a hard feeling, but my father came to know it through the newspaper that published the news of my school winning the interschool trophy with me in the team picture. And the worst that could have happened was that I was stopped from participating in the selection match.
I was sixteen then, and I am sorry, but my father sent me to a distant place for pre-college studies, so I stayed away from the local cricket atmosphere and forgot all about my first love of cricket but concentrated on my studies.
I wish I could tell you I did not accept this situation so easily, but I was a brave boy and overcame this phase. I then switched my love for the games and started playing badminton.
Note: Photos are mine, but I have limited photos of that age.
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Achievement 1
Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be.. ---Thanks, @jyoti-thelight, much appreciated.