Contest:“Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?"

I appreciate the organisers of this contest and thank you for the opportunity to participate in this amazing contest.

.The future of a nation are the children who will grow to become leaders. Children are very delicate and when a child misses the right foundation it will affect that child and invariably affect the Society. That is why parents ought to ensure that they lay a good foundation for their children.


What is more important for children in their childhood, playing or studying?

Playing and studying are very important for children as they need this in their childhood. I would say studying is more important for children than playing. I will give my reasons.

Many of the things affecting me negatively today as a youth are the things my parents did not get right training me as a child. "Readers are leaders" It is important that we lay a foundation of studying for children this will enable them love knowledge and the first step to greatness is knowledge.


If children study more than they play it will help them mature faster and quicker. We have some people today that are babies trapped in an adult body, what causes this most times is low intelligent quotient and one way to increase a person's intelligent quotient is through study. If children start studying at an early age it will help them mature quickly and be of great benefit to the society.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

I don't know about other Educational system of the world but in my country our educational standards have reduced greatly currently in the university i attend, alot of students no longer have passion for studies anymore. The fire for education as gone down in the hearts of so many and sometimes i ask myself how will the next generation be like? Of a true students are lagging behind in studies.


One reason for this is the bad economy and the fact that the country does not have anything to offer to even those that comes out with flying colours from school.As regards to sports alot of students still engage in it. Some have the mindset of pursuing a career in it, others just do it for fun.

Is online education useful to your children?

Online education is very good, these days you can learn virtually everything online. Online education is good for children but their education should not be 100% online and even when they need to use the social media to learn they should not be left without guidances as the online world in as much as it's good can also be corruptive for kids.


How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?

The kids of these generation are very smart due to the useful things learnt online. What you see in pictures is stored faster in the long time memory than words. With the aid of the social media kids store information in their long time memory faster due to the images provided in the learning process this helps increase their IQ so at a very tender age they know alot and are very smart.

As regards to the physical health of a child online education will affect them negatively. The light from the gadgets can cause eye problems and illness. The physical health of the child will be negatively affected by too much use of those social media gadgets that is why a balance should be created by parents to avoid health issues.

I would love to invite @moyeon, @woka-happiness and @goodybest to participate in this contest.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your idea on this topic is good. Children needs little or no play to study and make a brighter future but what if we kinda merge their studies with some games, skipping, rhymes and other activities that could help them catch the teachings faster. Did you ever watched a movie called "Akeelah and the spelling Bee," I think this movie proofs it all why children needs a spice of play while they study. Online education is very essential to children in all levels.

Success to you my dear!

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amiga!😊

La educación es muy importante y, resulta ser doloroso ver que esta está siendo muy golpeada por el mal uso de la tecnología porque, sabemos que es una excelente herramienta pero, cuando no hay una gestión adecuada de la misma, lo positivo es minimizado por lo malo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

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