SEC-S16/W3-"Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings,or friends?

Seriously,I would have said this question is rhetorical in nature because we all know that one person in the house that has 89% influence on children. But I won't forget the fact that other family members and friends also have some level of influence on children too. Below is how I am going to explain how much influence each of these people have on children.

How does a father have a strong influence on children?

I believe when God created man first,He did it for a purpose. A father's influence on the children should not be underscored because father's presence in a child's life brings about security, it gives the children that confidence that someone is looking out for them. Children Who there father is actively engaged in their daily care grow up to be more confident and they tend to have a strong social connection with their peers.


Taking my own family as case study, some times issues may rise but my father will assure us that he will handle it and truely he takes care of it and this in turn gives us that feeling of having someone on the lookout for us and it's a blessing.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children?

Mother's influence on children has no end,do you know why? I have seen most families, even when the children are all grown up and married,they still have their mothers influence on them. Almost everybody have great respect for their mothers not like they don't like their father but the connection between mother and children is way too much. The influence of mother's is way too much to talk about, unlike father's Who provide, secure and guide the children, mothers have time's four influence on their children. You know as a child, your first friend is your mother,she baths you,feeds you clothes you and teaches you how to talk and do almost everything, with all this mentioned above, it's evident that she has great influence. It's Worthy to note that mothers are care givers and there's no way as a person will forget someone who took care of you.


Till date, even as my mother is late,I still don't do most of the things she advised me never to do. My mother influenced me to the extent that I do go to her instead of my father to seek for some advice in some cases.

How does the teacher have a strong influence on children?

There's no doubt that teacher's have influence on children. As a child,few things that you know from home is not enough to make you succeed in life and this is where teacher's comes in. Teacher's expose children to the things that they don't have ideas about. Now let's use this simple arithmetic,at home,our parents might overlook some of our behaviors but teacher's don't accept failure which means you must work harder to succeed. To some extent,I think teacher's have more influence on children than their parents in terms of education,why because these children spends most of their time with their teachers while they parents are busy with work.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

I will start with this quote by "whiteman he said"well into adulthood, siblings keep influencing one another's mental health and well-being. Now in relating this to the issue at hand it tries to tell us that having siblings as a child is important also, this is because siblings compliments each other. Let's say you have an elder brother,you will look up to him for somethings.

If as a child you found out that you are not doing well in an area and your sibling is doing well on that aspect, there's nothing bad asking for help from them as there's no way they would say no to help you. Siblings are like guardian angel sent to assist us.

How do friends have a strong influence on children?


In as much as I won't underestimate the value of social and emotional support provided by friends,I still believe that show me your friend and I will show you Who you are. Once a child starts making friends outside home, there's this high tendency that either it Will be a healthy one or not. Unlike teacher's, friends also plays a major role in a child's life. I want to be like him/her and the child will start behaving like that person, that's an influence. To tell you how friends influence children,a child might have a problem but instead of discussing it with the parents would rather talk to a friend.

With pleasure,I am inviting these my friends to participate @patjewell @samuelebuka & @afrinn


If you don't mind, I am going to take this post of yours and help you a bit to carry on where I left my previous comment to you.

The problem I see here is with the quality, as you wrote a good post.
How can you improve;

  1. Break your paragraphs up into smaller ones so that they read easier.
  2. Use tools to check your grammar, especially things like the use of capitals.
  3. Make use of bullet points, and lastly,
  4. Use bold and italic to highlight facts.

If you can make your post neater and throw in a life story or two, you will see the difference.

Good luck!

PS: Thank you for inviting me. It got me marking my pages.

I appreciate your concern ma,but how do I make use of these tools and where can i see them. What do you mean by bullet points,i really want to improve.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

For grammar etc. you can use All you need to do is to copy and paste your text in there.

As for bullet points.

Here is your version:

Taking my own family as case study, some times issues may rise but my father will assure us that he will handle it and truely he takes care of it and this in turn gives us that feeling of having someone on the lookout for us and it's a blessing.

Here is my version:

Taking my own family as case study:

  • Sometimes issues may rise but my father will assure us that he will handle it
  • My father do as he says. He will take care of those issues
  • My father gives us gives us that feeling that there is always someone on the lookout for us and it's a blessing


Wow,I appreciate. You are really helpful. I will put them into practice.

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