Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W1 - "Power of communication skill"

Good day my wonderful Steemians hope you're all doing great 😃 and fine today.
The power of communication as a skill is really nice because without communication I don't think it will be possible for people to move on in life, business, writing etc so I will be answering some few questions on the contest.

Do you agree with the statement "Communication skill is the power"? Why or why not?

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Associated with this statement, one has to admit that there is a lot of truth in the statement “Communication skill is the power”. It may be thus said that communication plays an important role almost in all spheres of human activity. It allows the person to express his/her thought processes effectively, promote proper comprehension, and establish good communication. Learning and practising effective communication strategies in the workplace can improve coordination, avoid potential conflicts, as well as make for better decisions. Communication skills being a major trait and component of leadership help in orienting subordinates, conveying visions as well as objectives, and even manage conflicts.

Moreover, in interpersonal communications, people feel close to each other, and open up ways of expressing their wants, listening, and generally resolving disputes. It is also very relevant in the educational field where teachers are often required to clearly explain several topics and keep the stir up in the class.

However, to an equal extent, it must be clarified that communication is not the only tool that needs to be mastered in order to be successful. Other characteristics that are also important include aspects like technical competency, interpersonal skills, and analytical skills. Therefore, it can be concluded that although the communication skills do help to increase one’s impact, they have to be used together with the other competencies. Thus, communication is potent all by itself as a versatile method, but the inclusion of a range of skills significantly boosts its effectiveness.

Can you provide an example of situation where "Communication skill is the power"?


Certainly! For example, let us think about the circumstances hardwired to a given workplace like when a project is lagging and the employees in the team are demoralized. Concerned with the level of output, the project manager gets to a team meeting to discuss the magnitude of the problem.

Instead of just ordering the team members around or scolding them the communicator – the role of the project manager, seeks for ways of turning the team around. They begin the conversation with praising the team’s effort and the difficulties the team encountered, which builds benevolence. The manager then proceeds to elaborate on how such delays are unhelpful to the company and why it is certainly necessary to accomplish the deadline, thus creating buy-in.

Next is free speech where the manager allows an open door for an employee to express his or her opinions or maybe even fearing for the company. Hence, by listening and responding to each of the points made, the manager enhances team member’s trust and makes them feel he is receptive to their inputs. They also spell out accountabilities to avoid confusion, and clearly define what needs to be done and how in case there is a disagreement.

In this case, the project manager not only motivates the team through word but also ensures everyone is on the same page towards the achievement of the vision and ultimately increases productivity towards the achievement of the same goal thus increasing the probabilities or the likelihood of the said project being completed on the set calender. This example shows how strong communication abilities can be in solving the problems and encouraging a group.

Some historical examples where "Communication skill is the power" led to significant change?


Nelson Mandela had a communication skills in apartheid system in South Africa. It is important to mention that when Mandela was released from a prison, bearing the label of the ‘terrorism’, and spending for this 27 years, he turns into a universal figure of everybody’s struggle against the oppression and into the symbol of the reconciliation. Particularly, his communication with various people proved to be central in encouraging change that did not involve violence and conflict.

Due to the fact that he was able to explain his policy as well as held dialogues between the racial and political parties this made him instrumental in the negotiation process that brought the apartheid system to an end. Mandela’s ability to persuade the people of South Africa, along with his focus to find a way to reconcile proved to bring the end of most violence and clearly for a transition into democracy in South Africa to be a relatively calm process. What he said, what he did was touching millions of people, which affects the social and political changes in human civilization.

How can one improve their communication skills ?



Effective communication encompasses several practices as part of improving it. First there is the process of listening; the person should be heard in an active manner. This means focusing on the speaker, grasping what they have said, thinking about how to reply, and what they have said. As a result, you set the foundation of respect and trust which is crucial in the administration of appropriate behavior.

Second, the elements such as clarity and conciseness should be highly valued. It is recommended to be precise with the word choice and to keep everything as simple as possible, meaning that recommended breaking long and complex sentences into shorter and clearer ones. Try to perceive the structure in the course of a conversation or before starting to write something.

Third, cultural factors supplement the verbal communication still in the same way. Be especially aware of how you sit, stand, look, and speak to the child. These can all support the message you are trying to convey or if they don’t harmonize with the message you are conveying, nonverbal communication becomes confusing.

Fourth, ask permission for your communication and think about your style. Even if something is good, seek for feedbacks from co-workers, relatives, or friends and be willing to change something.

Also, development of language mastery and increase of the vocabulary within one is very helpful at the communication of the ideas. And the practice of writing as well as reading widely can help in reaping the above benefits.

Lastly, an individual should carry the attitude of community by understanding the sentiment of other people. This can do so much to ensure that your communication tends to embrace the skills of sensitivity and that too rightly.

Finally, learning and teaching skills concerning communication entails listening, simplicity in speaking, keeping an eye to body language, feedback, presentation of better and appropriate words and use of emotions such as pity. The more that one continually engages in practicing these aspects and reflection on them, the better and stronger the communication will emerge.

I will to invite @abi24, @thaizmaita, @newekemini5 and @josepha to participate in this wonderful contest.

Thanks for reading remember practice makes perfect try to make use of the few points I have given to improve your communication skills.

 4 days ago 

Nice meeting another person who knows the value of a corporate worker with good communication skills. That's true and this is also true that communication skills help a person in every field of life.

Hello my friend. Good communication is the key and if one have that he or she will be able to express their feelings anyway. I wish you success in this challenge

Thanks friend

 3 days ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Aunque el ser humano se caracteriza por ser social de manera natural, es fundamental adquirir las herramientas necesarias que nos conduzcan a tener una comunicación efectiva con las personas que hacen vida en nuestro entorno e incluso, con nosotros mismos porque, de eso es que garantizamos que el mensaje emitido o en su defecto, el que recibimos, sea el correcto.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much friend I really appreciate

Thanks for stopping by, do have a great and lovely day

I accept that so many people are facing strig66to speak frequently with their colleagues itself. They have overcome all of them .

Hello @daniel3261

Hopefully you will be doing well. I have read your post it's very informative. You beautifuly explained all the questions. Best of luck friend for this contest.

Thank you friend

You welcome.

 2 days ago 

Communication allows us to share our feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Good luck to you.

Thanks friend do have a lovely day

My something, the example of powerful communication with former president Nelson Mandela is a key piece in the communication of human beings, through wise words and a lived experience he was able to reach many people and be considered one of the best characters of history. We are social and we must know how to communicate and recognize that we have evolved and changed the way we communicate.

Success to you in this challenge.

Thank you so much Ma for stopping by to say hi, you've done more than enough, Have a great day

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