SEC-S16/W3 - "Who has the strongest influence on children? Father, mother, teacher, siblings, or friends?

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Hello and welcome to my blog, it's good to have you yet again in this amazing engagement challenge. And talking about who has the greatest influence in our life, all your mind should recall is the family, because the family is the first people to interact with in this world, your family is the first agent of socialization and in this case, they hold the strongest influence in our life.

I know that life changes, you go out there and you meet so many other people living around the world which might turn out to become one of the strongest influence in our life, just like finding true love or a true friend, but apart from that, they family is a great and strong influence to our life.

How does a father has a strong Influence on children?

A relationship between a dad and a child tends to create its own impact on the child's overall doing. Father's are the head and the bread winner of the family, they help in making and enacting rules in the family, in thesame way they tend to have a strong influence in a child that makes him or her to do things the ways that will always please the dad.

Any child that is been raised or taking care of mostly by a man is always confident, the child likes to do things that will make his dad happy and proud, some dad's don't accept failure as an excuse, they lead the child to achieving a great goal.

How does a mother have a strong influence on children

Whether we want to admit it or not, our parents are the most influential role models in life, reason for these is because they spend good and quality time with us than any other adult could, they teach us things based on the values and morals they want, they take good care of us and know the times we are in need.

When it comes to the influence of a mother towards a child, a mother's does everything in their power to make sure that her children are living a soft and easy life, they raise a child and teach them mostly about care and love, the mother plays a good role in teaching her child many table manners and trys so much to see that her child is really happy.

A mother makes sure that no harm shall fall to his child even though it means going through her, mother's has a greater influence than any body in life, because they have a strong connection with the child starting from the minute they are still in their womb and from the day they were born, their child becomes part of their life which can be inseperable.

How does a teacher has a strong influence on children

Teachers on the other hand plays a very vital role in influencing a child, because after our home and sociaty, the school is another place for socialization, the children spend good and quality time with their teacher at school. Teachers who are able to care, provide and teach the children most things they need to know about the world has a strong influence on children.

Through quality interaction with the children, the teachers are able to instill courage, respect and ways in which things are been done in the world, they should live up to a great standard so as to become a positive influence on children.

How do siblings have a strong influence on children?

Older siblings can really be a strong influence to the younger children in so many ways, because they spend much time with them, they have a greater advantage of influencing the younger sibling in so many ways because they take care of them, allow them to try so many new things and also teaching them a whole lot of new things.

The relationship between siblings and the other is an unbreakable bond, the older siblings has 100 percent chance to shape the idea or mindset of the younger sibling for better or for worse, while growing, The older siblings influence the mental health of the younger sibling, that is why it is good to have a good sibling relationship with one another, because it has to do with the mental health of the younger one.

How do friends have a strong influence on children

According to research, friends okay a very good or bad role in influencing a child's development in life, children will always like to do things that his or her age Mets are doing, they would like to wear good clothes just like there friends, by these way the child is being influenced by his friends.

Most times friends tend to become just like family to us, a bond between a friend and the other is just like a bond between a mother and it's daughter, they keep doing things the way their that would please their friends because they won't love to be left behind by the others. Friends really influence every child and I have also been a victim of it.

Thank you all for reading my blog as I will like to invite @richy20, @james100 and @nathan10 to participate in this contest.


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