" Review The Best Movies l've Ever Seen @chiagoziee

A special welcome to all of those steemains who came across my post I am engaging in this week's contest schedule and promise to put my very best to participate actively.

Which Animated movie do you like the most? Share a description of the movie if possible with movie link.

Animation can be referred to as a the sence of a cartoon, The method of making inanimate objects or drawing to appear in the course of motion as pictures or computer graphics.


The animated movie I like the most is the pj mask, this as animated movie is a movie that covers the act of the pj mask doing their best to save the day from villains to keep their entire society save from distruction.

This animated movie also shows that their are three super hero and also three super villains in that area, I will start by listing all the super heroes in the pj mask.

  • Catboy
  • Owlette
  • Gecko

Now to the night time villains.

  • Romeo
  • Night ninja
  • Luna girl


The pj mask new episode usually start with this song;

[Intro: PJ Masks]
Catboy,Owlette,Gecko, let's go.


  • Goes into the night so they can save the day
    Who are these heroes to show you way?

[Verse: PJ Masks]

PJ Masks we're the PJ Masks
PJ Masks we're the PJ Masks
Cause bed time, is the right time, to fight crime
I can't think of a rhyme,
PJ Masks we're the PJ Masks
PJ Masks we're the PJ Masks

[Outro: PJ Masks]
PJ Masks

What did you learn from this movie? What surprised you?

I learned that we have to do our possible best to save the day even if we are not super heroes, I makes me to know that good must surely reign over evil.

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The main thing I pick up to practice from this movie is to always help those in trouble especially if you have the ability to do so

If there is an option to modify the movie, What would you change about that movie?

  • If I am opportuned to to make some modifications to the movie I will start by making Catboy to be able to blast something from his hands that I call the cat lasers to enable he to have the ability to blast Romeo's inventions faster and easier to say the day I also want the cat lasers to be able to follow a particular thing that it has locked in target until it destroys it completely.

  • I will now want to enhance Owlette with the ability to shoot laser beam from her eyes either while flying or not to be able to stop night Ninja's ninjalinios from their evil acts to say the day in style.

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  • Another thing I will love to add to the movie is the introduction of a new villain to the PJ Masks, the villain should possess the following powers like to be able to Sense danger and also to have the ability to disappear and appear at any time and any where, and to multiply it self to a number of three and should not multiply it self more than three.

And to make Gecko to be able to enlarge himself to the hight not more than six feet tall.

Do recomened someone to watch this movie? Explain your answer.

I recommend people to watch the movie because it engages us into friendship and also to work as a team. And also make us to accept mistakes whenever we make one to the growth and betterment of the society.

I will love to invite @anthony002,@bonature24,@ahmneska,@josepha,@xubair and @john247 to participate in this contest.

Cc: @pea07

Thanks for stopping by my post.!!!!!


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