Contest | “Do You Believe That Alien Exist?"

To the members of this platform and community I am happy to be part of this week's contest schedule and about to begin with this below.

Aliens are believed to be in the next planet to the Earth called Mars and are believed by some researchers to be harmful and also to possess a more advanced technology than we humans.

Do you believe that aliens exist?

Alien can be referred to a human, plant or animal or other thing which is from outside the family, organization, territory or group which are been seen to be under consideration and can also be considered as a foreigner.

Aliens aliens aliens !!! I don't believe that such organisms like aliens can actually exist

If yes, then where do you think they live?

What will you do if you meet an alien?

  • If meet and alien i will not be afraid because to meet an alien and to see one from any distance are two different things, so if I eventually meet one will try to send if it understands my way of speaking and the next thing a proper human is to do is to observe such an organism and know whether it is acting in a friendly manner or not.

In your opinion, if an alien race comes to ?Earth, will it be helpful or harmful for humanity?

It may be harmful or helpful with the following reasons below;

  • If a race of aliens come to the planet Earth it will be if the so called aliens turn out to be friendly with us humans and cooperate with us to see if we can know there like a dislikes and see if we can take the union to the next stage by setting our various difference aside, with this reason I can say this alien race are taking a good step which will definitely be helpful because by sharing our thoughts we will be able to improve the union and see to it that i brings only positive outcome.

If the coming race of aliens come and become to order us one what to do or decided within there self to start an invasion in the Earth it will lead to total harmful acts the may stop the human race completely if their fighting equipments are eventually better than ours, I say we are considered to be in doom and will lead to the end of the human race completely.

I will love to invite @anthony002 and@ahmneska and @bonaventure24 to participate in this week's contest.

 3 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Al igual que tu, tampoco creo en la existencia de esta raza y, pienso que más bien nos quieren imponer esta existencia al asegurar de que otras personas los han visto pero, fíjate que jamás han llegado a una confirmación auténtica.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚


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