Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W1 - "Power of communication skill"

Communication is very important because it has the power to solve many problems without stress
Our communication skills definitely plays and integral prt in our life, because the way we communicate will determine how people will value us and also interact with us.
As humans we should learn to have a good communication skills because it will really help us in our journey to become successful in life.

Do you agree with the statement "Communication skill is the power"? Why or why not?


I do agree with it because good communication promotes a healthy environment, and when we communicate well with people around us, especially as leaders, things wilk definitely go well, and they will progress in our society.

Communication helps in building relationships: As humans if you have a good communication skills then it will be easy for you to build relationships with people because everyone will be happy to be around you, though it depends on the type of communication skill because some people are arrogant.

As humans, our communication skills are very important because they define who we are through interaction with one another

When you have a bad communication skills that's a process when you don't know how to talk to people, everyone will be afraid to come close to you because they will feel that your a wicked person.


When you have good communication skills, it will be very easy for you to adapt to new surroundings because you will know how to communicate with people around you.

For instance if you're looking for job and you have a good communication skills it will be an added advantage to you, and whenever you offend someone you will know how to communicate with the person and he will easily forgive you and sometimes the way we talk to people define how they will treat you.

Can you provide an example of a situation where "Communication skill is the power"?

Yes, I have met two neighbours that were quarrelling serious because of a little misunderstanding between them and the worst of it is that, they didn't even look into the issue and they started exchanging words without knowing the main thing behind their arguments.


When I came and saw the heated argument between them, I quickly interrupted and went to separate them, and when I heard from both side of the story, I started laughing at them because it was very funny.
I quickly talk some sense into them, and they reconcile immediately and hug each other. Sometimes, we should be careful with what we hear because not all stories are legit.

Some historical examples where "Communication skill is the power" led to significant change?


Yes, my parents told me that during the biafran war that was happening in our country then, where lives were lost due to this problem of war between the government and some parts of the country.
They fought for about a month until an agreement was made between the people and the government that the war stopped to date.

The war started due to the suffering that the South Eastern part of the country were going through, and a dialogue was made between the government and the people they led to a good communication skills between them and the war stopped till date.
History was made because it was a great man who engineered the communication between them, and it worked perfectly.

How can one improve their communication skills ?


By improving our communication, we should learn from the mistakes of others so that we can easily correct it and improve our communication skills.

Humans are different and the way we live our oufe determine our future, so to improve pur communication skills we should learn to be social, listen to the opinions of people and most importantly have a good manner of approach this way when we talk people will listen to us.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @pandora2010, @simonnwigwe, @marito74 and @enamul17 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hey friend good communication is one of the best I have been part of it so I know what am saying. If everyone around us have good communication we will be able to express ourselves wherever we go. I will encourage you to keep having this communication skills. I wish all the best friend

Thanks for the wonderful comment i really appreciate 🙏


I absolutely agree good communication resolves conflicts, builds relationships, and fosters success. Improving these skills greatly impacts personal and professional interactions, Good luck friend

Thanks my brother for the wonderful comment i really appreciate 🙏 ❤️

Greetings friend @bonaventire24

Hopefully you will be doing well. Indeed communication is the best tool for sharing our ideas to others, it is the power. We can easily solve all the problems of we are good communicaters. There are such universities which are teaching their students for becoming a good communicater. Best of luck for contest.

Thanks brother for this wonderful comment on my blog i really appreciate 😊 🙏

You are most welcome bro 😊

Alright 👍 do have a wonderful day 🫂

Thanks brother for this wonderful comment on my blog i really appreciate 😊 🙏

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