“Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W3 - How SEC Improved Engagements on the Steemit Platform"

in Hindwhale Community9 months ago



Steemit here, a pretty blockchain-based space for social content, it so revolutionized the way the content creators and users interacted with each other and adhere. However, prior to the pretty implementation of the Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC), the platform here faced several challenges in Certainly fostering active engagement among its users all round. This very content will explores the transformative effects of SEC on the Steemit Blockchain, as well as highlighting the changes observed, the inspiring weekly challenges introduced, and it's resulting impact and influence on personal interests and involvement practically.

What was Steemit like before the SEC?

Before the the SEC exist, Steemit here did struggled to so maintain consistent and meaningful engagement among users. The entire platform experienced a lack of interaction entirely, limited community involvement as well, and a decline in user motivation probably. Users here often faced difficulties in gaining visibility for their content made all days, so resulting in a sense of disillusionment and as well reduced enthusiasm for active participation and involvement.


Discuss the changes you noticed in Steemit following SEC.

The admiring introduction of the Steemit Engagement Challenge certainly marked a significant turning point for the platform all along. Steemit blockchain definitely witnessed a remarkable improvement in the user engagement and overall vibrancy that persist. The SEC greatly incentivized users to strongly and actively participate by offering rewards and recognition for their contributions made each time, and so ultimately fostering a sense of community and collaboration that really inspire.

  • How many of the seven weekly challenges can you participate in each week?

The very SEC introduced seven weekly challenges designed to very well ignite user engagement and encourage diverse content creation properly. These very challenges encompassed a pretty wide range of topics, such as the photo contests, writing prompts topics, and community initiatives too. Users are so allowed to participate in as many of these challenges as they wished and making only a single entry each day, desirably providing ample opportunities to showcase our talents and interests and so I tried to participate in atleast 5 each week.


How does the SEC change your personnel interests and involvement on Steemit?

The very SEC brought about a remarkable transformative change in users' personal interests and involvement on Steemit which involves others too and not only me from preview. With the well introduction of diverse challenges, we are inspired to explore new topics and engage with different communities and people's post made in each challenge topic's. The SEC deeply fostered a sense of camaraderie among we the users, so leading to increased collaboration and knowledge-sharing as well. As a result therefore, each individual experienced personal growth in steems, expanded skill sets, and so did discovered new passions that motivates.


The dearly Steemit Engagement Challenge (SEC) revolutionized the Steemit platform entirely by significantly improving user engagement and fostering a sense of community that prevail. The SEC's introduction certainly brought about a positive shift and regulates, so transforming Steemit into a pretty dynamic and thriving ecosystem among others.

Through the very seven days weekly challenges, we are always able to showcase our talents, techniques, explore new interests, and collaborate with amazing like-minded individuals too. The SEC here not only enhanced the user experience alone but also rejuvenated the platform greatly by promoting active participation and so cultivating a vibrant community that sounds alive. So the Steemit's journey from limited engagement to a well thriving ecosystem certainly serves as a testament to the imaginable transformative power of the Steemit Engagement Challenge.

I'm inviting @whizzbro4eva, @usoro01 and @deetalka6 to explore this challenge on their own perspective and do well accept my invitation, but if already participated pass it on.
Connect me on Steemit

Thanks for Reading my Post



Yes before sec the steemit platform was somehow boring because they was no much engagement in the platform and uses became discourage in the platform because of lack of recognition oand upvote.

The introduction of SEC have increased engagement in the platform and also users now have chances of getting upvote from the chief curators through participating in the challenge everyday.

SEC have made users to contribute to the vrieth if the platform by commenting with fellow steemians and also Increase the quality of our content which is good for us.

I wish you success 🙏 bro, have a nice day 🤗

 9 months ago 

Thanks sir

You are welcome 🤝

From your article @basil20, I can see that SEC has a deeper reflects on steem than onset. “Users here often faced difficulties in gaining visibility for their content made all days, so resulting in a sense of disillusionment and as well reduced enthusiasm for active participation and involvement....” I wish you best of luck.

 9 months ago 

Thanks for the review I did appreciate

 9 months ago 

Hello @basil20
Our team would like to thank you for participating in the SEC season-13/w3 organized by #Hindwhale Community.

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 9 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

El SEC le dio vida a Steemit porque, con su llegada le dio esa actividad que tanto hacía falta. En mi caso, me costaba mucho salir de las comunidades latinas pero, esta dinámica me impulsó a vencer ese obstáculo y, ahorita con naturalidad participo en diversas comunidades.

Hoy día interactuamos con cientos de usuarios semanalmente y, en esa interacción compartimos aprendizajes que nos ayudan a seguir creciendo.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 9 months ago 

Sure, the point are view moderately

Saludos cordiales @basil20

Antes de la SEC había desmotivación debido a que ere difícil ser visible,conocido acá porque se trabajaba como dentro del mismo círculo pero Todo cambió después de esta nueva propuesta de retos lo que ha hecho que nos integremos todos dentro de la plataforma sin importar qué país sea o qué idioma hablemos.
También que se haya puesto como regla interactuar con nuestros compañeros ha motivado a muchos a dejar buenos comentarios, conocernos más y que haya mucho más movimiento.
Otros pueden ver lo capaces que somos al desarrollar algún tipo de contenido que manejamos mejor.

Hasta luego
Éxitos y bendiciones Amigo

 9 months ago 

Thanks lot for staying by and making this worth review.
You're blessed

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