shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: Ready for church service

Hi! Beautiful and handsome people of this wonderful community. I bring you all special greetings. I trust you are doing great? For me, I am waxing stronger by the day. So! I bless God Almighty for another beautiful day. I welcome you all to my diary new post as I will be sharing with you all how my Sunday unfolded with numerous activities! Smile… 😊


shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: In the morning

I Woke up feeling energetic with positive vibes. I woke my family up for morning devotion at about 6am so we can prepare for church on time. Thereafter, I did a few minutes cycling exercise to stretch my muscles and bones. Then prepared warm water for showering due to the cold weather and no light to turn on my hot water bath. While waiting for the hot water, I went to my wardrobe to pick out my Sunday dress for church, then went to the bathroom and took my bath, after which I had my breakfast prepared by my wonderful hubby. Thereafter, I got dressed and applied a bit of make-up to compliment my face then, hubby, and I left for church.

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: On my way to church with hubby

We got to church quite on time. Attended school of discipline-ship anchored by the Minister on the need for regular Evangelism in our church in other to win souls for Christ and also to enjoy the massive benefits of God as a result of Evangelism (soul's winning for Christ). After the brief charge from the Minister. We prayed for the church, the Evangelism committee and for all members that partook in the just concluded crusade that took place last week weekend.

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: During Discipleship class

The discipleship class ended at about 9am, giving way to the main service. The conductor for the service was Sis. Utibe Bassey, the choir, led us with some praise/worship songs. Then we entered into the prayer section which is in three categories; prayer of Adoration, Confession, and Supplication led by the conductor. Thereafter, was the choir ministration.

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: Taking 2nd Bible reading, Part A

After the choir Ministration I read the first bible lesson from Isaiah 46:1-13, second bible reading part A was taken by Sis. Christiana, Matthew 18:1-11, while part B was read by Mrs. Eno-obong Ubong.

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: Taking Bible reading part B

Apparently, after listening to the Bible readings choir, render their second ministration preparation for receiving the word of God. This was led by the Minister; Re. Ubong Ekpeyong who preached on the topic: ” Jesus is taking care of me” Indeed that was a very spectacular topic. He also pointed out that as a believer, we need to depend on God at all times and not on man because man may fail in their promises, but God never fails. That those that depend on God will always receive God's care differently from the unbeliever.

After receiving the word of God, some prophetic declaration was carried out by the Rev. Thereafter, offerings were done, and the service was brought to an end at about 11:30am. I exchanged pleasantries with my fellow brethren, then had a brief finance meeting with the finance group for the smooth running of the church. Then I went back home with my beloved hubby who was patiently waiting for me 😍😊

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: During Prayer section

In the afternoon: Preparing coconut rice

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: In the kitchen to prepare Lunch

upon arrival at home, i got changed and went into the kitchen to prepare a nice delicacy, “coconut rice” for the family. before i left for church in the morning, i had already prepared the coconut broth, sieved it and stored in the fridge. when i came back from church i just had to dice the vegetables, parboiled the rice. thereafter, washed the rice, then poured my coconut broth, and all my ingredients into the put, turned on the gas and allowed the rice to cook.

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime:
shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: Diving vegetables for coconut rice

when the rice was soft and almost dried, i introduced my chopped vegetables into it, reduced the gas and allowed it to heat by using the steam method. then turn off the gas so that the vegetables won't be overcooked. here comes the delicious coconut rice ready for eating and a can of malt to wash down.

This was done to celebrate my immediate younger brother's birthday😍 today is his birthday, please help me wish him a happy birthday and say some words of prayers to him. thank you, god bless you all 🙏

shoot from Hauwei Y9Prime: coconut rice is ready

In the evening, it was still filled with the spirit of birthday celebration, with lots of fun and merriment.
Thank you for reading.. See you in my next post

Shoot from huawei Y9Prime: The birthday Bro💖


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