Challenges of life"| club 5050|22-02-2024

in Hindwhale Community7 months ago (edited)
Hi how are you hope so you will be fine and spend a healthy life with your loved once and I am also fine and spend a healthy life with my children

Today I want to take part of this contest this is so amazing and include many things which we learn from our challenges in life I am from #lahore pakistan today I want to take part in this contest with great excitement and described all the situation when we face the challenges in our life
So let startour topic with great honesty and great delication

💖 Why are challenges important in our lives?

hmm if we talk about challenges which we face in our life then I say some thing that challenges are play a important role in our life when we accept the any challenges we show many courage power and confidence what happend to us we so dont know about our abilities and strengthen untill we accept the challenges so challenges is most important thing some times the challenges push into very luxury life into very hectic and difficult life some in challenging life we face very diffculities and trouble in front of us then gradually we achieve our goals in our life and we feel proud
I say must that we should remember that life is not bed of roses life is also bed if throne when we realize so we spend our life in easy way when we accept any challenges in the result of challenges create self confidence courage power and self love due to challenges we become a very power full and self made and adorable person


💖 Should we face every challenge with strength? How should we prepare ourselves for this?

According to my point of view we accept every challenge in the life because due to challenges we become more passionate and perfect so we should wellcome every challenge when we accept the challenges we should always thank to allah that allah always with us and we should not loose our hope support of allah almighty is the bigger support with us

First of all we admitted this reality that life is the name of multi tasking challenges in every day we face a new challenge in front of us even we dont want to accept but we have to fulfill

here is few steps for prepare our selves for challenges
Positive mindsetsocial bonding
learn our experience of lifeset our goals
Free from fear and disasterproblem solving
  • positive mindset

we should prepare our self for any multi challenges we should develop a new skills and new start when we achive new goals of life we feelnmore proud and happiness and this is new start of our life im every challenges we always remember allah almighty we loose never our hope if we do this we cannot fulfill our achievement

social bonding

We should approach those people that they stand with full strength and full moral we never hope for those people this who dont care about us we should approach those people whise came out freind and family and dont think about surroubding our self because some time when we realy thise people who cannot stand with ourself and feel the embracement or feel that they are more eligible then you

learn from our experience
  • we should always teach and learning our past experience according to our religion allah almighty say that we should not test those people who have already tried so we start with new hope

Set new goals

When we spend our life with challenges then we accept every challenges with great intrest first we should our goals and oir boundry we should ignore those people who are disagree fromus and dont think in favour of us

free from fear and any disaster

Challenges can make us more strengthen and more power full challenges create us more beneficial for others we should teach those people who are more eligible then us we should free from fear and we should free from those thing what is right or what the people say

problem solving

We should always become a positive person for the society which people fall in bed or wrost situation we should enhance our self for thise people who are seeing us and we should belive our brainstorm and practice problem solving
Identify the situation and condition of other people we should always become a light of hope with confidence

  • 💖 Why should we step back out of fear even before facing challenges?

Life is the name of diffrent and diffcult challenges in our life we cannit deny the word of fear this is most important thing in our life every one fear from diffrent things we should fear mostly from the disaster and some thing going to erong and then some people dont accept the challenges so they step back due to fear they dont achieve any other goal and dymue to this component they dont allow other people that they don't this so they spread the negativity in every thing fear is remove our courage passion
and self confidence at the result we think that we can not achive no goals and at last we spend very depanded life

💖 What kind of challenges do we face in our life? Explain it .

** we face many challenges in our life some are based to our personal matters and some are based on professional Challenges and some are based on our health challenges and some bsed on financial challenges**

personal challenges

In this relation ship chsllenges we face many diffculties and conflicts facing by us some time these challanges are caused by most sevior situation some time these challanges in companion ship and most wrost thing is when we dont want to live with her or him and unfortunately its a biggest challenge that we have to live together

professional challenges

In this challenge we face many difficulties and bitterness toward them some tie the colleague behaviour suffer us and teach us many things in our life we also accept this kind of challenge with great heartdly


health challenges

This challenge is also greater challenge although one of the biggest challenge we also bear pain and other complication such as chonic pain disability abnormalities in our mind and our body we manging them with pain this challenge effect on our health and our routine life thus challenge keep great impact of our whole life


financial challenges

In this challenge we suffer from many kind of things which we want and we face it many times some peope accept this challenge of whole life suddenly a large expenses shakes the man badly low budget a large quantity of needs and expense face many people in the world they mange this buget manging and future brightness planning challenges face many people in the world


In the last I would like to invite in this contest

Big thanks


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