Steemit Engagement Challenge S11/W4 | " How is democracy functioning in your country?."

in Hindwhale Community11 months ago (edited)

" How is democracy functioning in your country?."


Hello friends ofSteemit and especially to my friends of thisHindwhale Community , this time I bring you the topic " How is democracy functioning in your country?." In this opportunity I will define the term democracy, as it comes from ancient Greece and has been hidden from us, and based on that definition I will address the organizers' questions.




I should clarify that this definition is from the citizens of Ancient Greece. As this truth has been denied to us; I cannot indicate its source, and even if I had it, you would not be able to access those servers, perhaps because they were already deleted. Democracy is the process of electing citizens, who meet the requirements to hold public office; which will be chosen in a random draw. The requirements to be met by those chosen must comply with the following requirements:

  • Must be of honest and unimpeachable moral condition.
  • Must possess a high level of knowledge or preparation in his or her area.
  • Must be nominated by the community or organization to which he/she belongs.
In this way, the citizens did not care who was chosen by the lottery at random, since everyone participated on equal terms. So this democracy of Ancient Greece was what gave rise to its greatness.

How is democracy functioning in your country?

According to the above definition, there is no democracy anywhere in the world. The "accepted" democracies are those proposed by those who rule the world, since that ensures the enslavement of the human species.
Among the accepted ones we have the "representative democracy" whose rulers go to a process of "election", previously "chosen" by the so-called partisan groups, so that then "the people choose"..
In reality, all of Machiavelli's postulates apply. In practice, all opposition members work for the regime, they are the clowns who put on the circus of democracy for their own or for outsiders. All institutions are hijacked, unions, trade unions of all kinds; in short, everything. They also have bought international support.

Is your country free from any domination ruled?

My country is so far a pilot test of the domination of a country in which a criminal organization of international scope has been imposed on us. I inform you that all the countries of the world are under domination, that is to say, they are not free; behind the scenes are the masters of the world. They have been dominating the present humanity for uncountable centuries and they say that they have assured its sixth extinction.

This sheep has a black face and the same face.


Is your country self-sufficient in food production?

In the past, before the theft of all kinds of farms, including orchards, we were moderately self-sufficient and even exported all kinds of products. Today, everything is scorched earth, everything has been premeditatedly destroyed. You can see Europe, which goes much further, where the order has been given to burn and destroy all farms, agro industry and the destruction of water dams.

How is youth employment in your country?

Before the destruction, there was an educational organization called INCE, which was financed by the employers by means of discounts through the social security. It was in charge of offering and preparing young people to acquire a trade in a quite diverse range of trades.
Today, most of the INCE infrastructure at the national level no longer exists or has been destroyed. What they offer them now is the so-called "Plan Chamba Juvenil", which consists of paying them "bonos de la Patria Plan Camba Juvenil" equivalent to $7.00, which is the minimum wage. Depending on their age, they are put to "educate children at the elementary level" or, failing that, they are enrolled in the police, militia, army or form part of some shock brigade to control the nonconformists.
Those who do not join this "Great Youth Plan" proudly become juvenile delinquents and their slogan to subdue and intimidate is, "I am the underworld", carrying rifles.

UDOCiencias dela Tierra.jpg
Façade of Earth Sciences UDO, where two of my children studied - Only walls remained.

What you want your country to be like?

To be a country anywhere in the world, its citizens must awaken to knowledge, in order to create a true democracy; as it was initially conceived by Ancient Greece; in order to become a truly free country.
In order to achieve the great awakening of humanity, the human being must deprogram himself. This is a term of meaning, which from time to time appears in certain characters of controlled famous artists and very common in show business, who manage to break the mental yoke of their oppressors.

Reflections on this topic.

They say "Man is the only animal that in the face of danger does not flee, he stays to see what happens". Venezuelan emigrants have not fled as some say, a war is not lost by a temporary withdrawal, since they are not going to let themselves be killed.
And as a tribute to the Venezuelan emigrants and in which are two of my children and the emigrants of the world I leave this YouTube video link of which I am co-author; it is a song performed by Mirla Castellano, with narration by friend and teacher Rosa Maria Zepeda, photography by friend Dixa Gonzalez and in the post-production of the whole video, is this server Angel Nunez.

Song Venezuela, tribute to the Venezuelan emigrante


Thank you friends for reading this post and I invite you to know my blog , where I have made, many post, where I always leave in some way or another a content of both visions on this subject, and as always, I hope to have contributed in the awakening of humanity, I invite the following friends @mini80, @Angelys and @alegnita to participate in this contest.

My Achievement 1

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 11 months ago 

Muchas desavenencias han estado sucediendo en el país desde la posesión al poder, donde se ha denigrado hasta la dignidad nata del venezolano. Sin duda acabaron con todo vestigio de una nación prometedora.

Hola, he leído entre líneas a varios compatriotas y a dos del otro lado del mundo, y mis paisanos me sorprenden con su grado de percepción de esta realidad. Por ahora no se puede decir que nos han sometido, aunque no tienen claro lo que está pasando. Aprovecho para alertar para los que aún no lo saben; las medicinas de las llamadas farmacias ambulantes que orgullosamente "vienen de la India"; las radios locales informativos e incluso a nivel nacional; está causando estragos con sus efectos secundarios , hasta al punto que ya han ocurridos varios decesos. Saludos y cuídense mucho..

Saludos y muy interesante tu participación.

Yo también realicé la mía y es triste nuestra realidad, yo la titulé una democracia disfrazada. Que realmente pocos hacen con nosotros lo que quieren y todos pasando hambre. Nos urge un cambio de todo en pro de un mejor futuro.

Gracias por participar y compartir. Te envío bendiciones🙏🏻

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