Hobby Shopping : Buy Some Vegetables On Sunday Noon In The Day Like An Oven

in STEEM FOR INDONESIA6 months ago


Shopping in the small shop what3words.com near Griya Husada Hospital at Mayjen Panjaitan, Banjarejo, Madiun City, East Java


I am in the big mood for boiled spinach this Sunday noon

On Sunday afternoon I rode my motorbike under the boiled weather. I went to . No wonder, it’s time for me for cooking savory food. However honestly I just want to cook simply food due to the fact that I am feeling under the weather. I went to the vegetables area and took a bunch of spinach and the price is IDR 2,000. If we convert to Steem is about 0.68 Steem or 0.04 SBD. I assume that I was dying for boiled spinach today. Let me tell you those vegetables in that small shop are quite fresh & cheap, too.

I took a pack of Soft-Boned Milkfish a.k.a. Bandeng Presto and the price is IDR 8,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.75 Steem or 0.19 SBD. I take a pack of big tempe also and I have to pay IDR 6,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.06 Steem or 0.14 SBD

Several minutes later I bought 0.5 kg eggs and the price is IDR 9,000. If we convert to Steem is about 3.09 Steem or 0.21 SBD. I took three pieces of aubergine also and the price is IDR 2,000. If we convert to Steem is about 0.68 Steem or 0.04 SBD


I took a pack of Soft-Boned Milkfish in the fish area at the small shop what3words.com near Griya Husada Hospital at Mayjen Panjaitan, Banjarejo, Madiun City, East Java

I went to the crackers area and took a big pack of traditional crackers and the price is IDR 6,000. If we convert to Steem is about 2.06 Steem. If we convert to SBD is approximately 0.14 SBD

After paying and saying a massive thank you to the warm-hearted seller, I rode my motorcycle subsequently went home in the day like an oven. I am extremely thirsty in that noon.

I am keen on how the veggies seller at the small shop what3words.com near Griya Husada Hospital at Mayjen Panjaitan, Banjarejo, Madiun City, East Java gave a good service to the customer. They gave us fast response with they warm smile & count our shopping, I meant vegetables, spice herbs, fish, seasoning & so on fastest. So that’s why I am a happy bunny to go shopping in this small shop. They also have a lot of customers every day inasmuch as the prices also pretty affordable.


Alhamdulillah done shopping in the small shop what3words.com near Griya Husada Hospital at Mayjen Panjaitan, Banjarejo, Madiun City, East Java

So, total I spent my money to buy some vegetables, eggs plus fish and traditional crackers in the small shop what3words.com near Griya Husada Hospital at Mayjen Panjaitan, Banjarejo, Madiun City, East Java are :

IDR 2,000 + IDR 8,000 + IDR 6,000 + IDR 9,000 + IDR 2,000 + IDR 6,000 = IDR 33,000

If we convert to SBD is about 0.8 SBD

And if we convert to Steem is about 11.36 Steem

Source of Steem price : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/steem-dollars/

I am going to invite some of my beloved friends @ikwal @ulfatulrahmah @meriseptriyanti @ifatniza @hoesniy joined this lovely contest. Wish you lots of luck, fellas.

Many thanks to all of the team Mr. @waterjoe @klen.civil @humaidi @fajrulakmal99 @muksa in this lovely community @steem4indonesia

Warm regards,



"Love the enthusiasm in this post! 😊 It sounds like you had a great time shopping at that small shop near Griya Husada Hospital 🛍️. The prices are super affordable, and the veggies seller is just as lovely 💕. I'm glad you got to enjoy some boiled spinach on Sunday 🥬. Would love to see more foodie adventures from you! 👋 And don't forget to join that contest 🔥! Good luck, and thanks for sharing your shopping experience with us 🤗."

 6 months ago 

Senang sekali jika kita belanja dan dilayani oleh penjual yang ramah dan baik hati, rasanya pengen belanja lagi di lain waktu ke sana. Nampaknya betah ya tinggal di Madiun, gak ada rencana balik ke Aceh buk...

 6 months ago 

Iya betul sekali Bu @ifatniza. Alhamdulillah lumayan betah Bu, karena Menurut Asiah, Kota Madiun termasuk salah-satu kota yang sangat indah, rapi & bersih di Indonesia. Orangnya juga ramah-ramah, tidak neko-neko & sederhana. Termasuk lumayan aman juga di sini Bu, hampir jarang sekali terjadi tindak kriminalitas di Madiun terutama di daerah Asiah tinggal. InsyaaAllah rencana balik pasti ada suatu hari nanti Bu. Hehe...

 6 months ago 

Bayam juga menjadi salah satu sayuran favorit saya kak, apalagi di tumis, bisa nambah nasi berkali kali😁

 6 months ago 

Wah kebetulan sama Dek, kakak juga penyuka Bayam Alhamdulillah. Tapi lebih senang direbus ori saja kalau Kakak, Dek. Ahaha...

Terima kasih atas dukungannya kak asiahaiss, semoga berhasil 🥰

 6 months ago 

Sama-sama Dek 🥰


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