
Amiga te aprecio mucho. Lo que digas mal está olvidado. Mientras me sirva el traductor, estoy feliz. Con el portugues no necesito traductor, es mi lengua materna. Abrazote.

Friend I appreciate you so much. What you say wrong is forgotten. As long as the translator serves me, I'm happy. With Portuguese I don't need a translator, it's my mother tongue. Big hug.

@gertu Great you speak Portuguese too. 👍
Next time I pay more attention. 💕

Soy portuguesa. Por mis padres. Nacida en Venezuela. Ahora tengo a un amigo de Portugal.

I am Portuguese For my parents. Born in Venezuela Now I have a friend from Portugal.

@gertu ¿Entonces tus padres son portugueses y se mudaron a Venezuela? ¿Qué tal si te mudas a Portugal? Probablemente sea un choque cultural, pero la vida no es mala allí y las casas no son caras. Debería haberme mudado allí.

So your parents are portugees and moved to Venezuela? How about you moving to Portugal? It probably be a cultural shock but the life isn't bad there and houses not expensive. I should have moved over there.

Si, es un proyecto a largo plazo. Debo esperar que culmine la carrera de mi hijo, y nos vamos si Dios me lo permite.No es un choque de cultura para mi, fui educada a la enseñanza de mi madre. Choco es con esta cultura. Nunca me acostumbré a vivir de la manera de acá. Pero aquí nací y amo esta, mi país.

Yes, it is a long-term project. I must wait for my son's career to end, and we leave if God allows me. It is not a culture shock for me, I was educated to teach my mother. Choco is with this culture. I never got used to living the way here. But here I was born and I love this, my country.

@gertu If this is your country you should stay. My father was born in Indonesia and his parents in Surinam. I have nothing with these countries. I am used to where I live and home is where I am. ❤️

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