My Splinterlands Gamplay Video: BEATRIX IRON HAND

in Gaming Souls3 years ago

Peace Dear Splinters,

Beatrix Iron Hand is the earth elemental card in Splinterlands. When I understood that this range monster could strike the enemies as far or close to the first position I quickly made a plan to acquire more Beatrix. Therefore I targeted a convenient level for the Beatrix that I could afford to reach and set a market order in the bidding room.




The Arina has two Daria Dragonscale as summoners. The battle rulesets were Spreading Fury and Melee Mayhem. The mana limitation for this match was twenty not as high as I usually like to play but manageable to place skilled monsters on the board.

image.png | Spreading Fury

Epic earth monster from the Untamed series, Beatrix Iron Hand has special abilities like close range, thorn, and cripple when it is leveled up to the sixth ranks of experience.

image.png | Melee Mayhem

Battle Ruleset: Spreading fury, Melee Mayhem, and Mana cap 20

My Battle Challenge LINK

My strategies

My strategy was to maximize the melee monster strikes and benefit from the speed of my cards to take advantage of the first round. Brownie and Orc sergeant contributed greatly to the speed part. Since all the monsters in my lineup except Beatrix had melee I was attacking at great speed.

I invite you, dear readers to share in the comment section whatever suggestions or questions you would like to ask.



Warm regards


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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