Contest : Review Week 10 Splinterlands // CRYSTAL JAGUAR

in Gaming Souls3 years ago

Peace Dear Splinters,

My review of the Splinterlands battle is going to present one of the rarest talks about life monsters. I have chosen monsters that could play offensive and defensive roles in this battle. The rulesets were significant in the outcome of this match. CRYSTAL JAGUAR was in the front row to protect the rest of my offensive monsters.




I summoned Mother Khala while my opponent's team leader was Owster Rotwell. The rule of battle forced my team to be composed of a Life monster. The monster's habilities were locked in this battle except for the additional skills offered by the summoners from each team.

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Battle Ruleset: Taking Sides, Back to basic

The match showed the lineup from both teams on the battlefield

My opponent lineup had cards from the Death elemental series combined as follow:

Summoner: Owster Rotwell

* Haunted Spirit Lv1

* Undead Priest Lv1

* Ancient Lich Lv1

* Twisted Jester Lv1

The process of selection was mainly done considering the ruleset. I got used to magic monsters when the back to basic rule is mandatory for both teams.


Summoner: Mother Khala Lv4, boost friendly monsters with one heart point.

The description of my lineup



* Pelacor Conjurer

* Silvershield Bard

* Divine Healer

* Divine Sorceress

* Temple Priest


The lineup of my opponent was really well combined and equipped with reflection. The magic attack was reflected and caused damages to my team to the point I thought my strategy was going to fail.


My strategy

CRYSTAL JAGUAR in the first position followed by Silvershield Bard. My magic monsters in the team had the offensive role to play during this match. Considering the ruleset restriction, I planned to construct my defense wall around Pelacor Conjurer, Silvershield, and Chrystal Jaguar.


Did my strategy work?

Yes, my strategy worked against the opponent's countermeasures. The reflection of magic was a surprise for my team offensive members, but it was not enough firepower to defeat my lineup.


What will I try differently next time?

I will definitely level up CRYSTAL JAGUAR to better compete in the gold league. Level six of the Jaguar has thorns. This ability is great on the battlefield.

Warm regards

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