Game Review : Resident Evil 4

in Gaming Souls3 years ago

20th August


Resident Evil 4 Game Review by @masiyat

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Spending time with Resident Evil 4 in 2020 is an interesting feeling, but the start is just as thrilling as I recalled it being. It's not long before you're frantically navigating a small Spanish village to dodge pursuing residents wielding sickles, pitchforks, and still incredibly aggressive A.I. routines. You know, for a special agent brought in to save the president's daughter, Leon S. Kennedy is dreadfully unprepared for the first ten minutes of this job just six years after surviving the zombie outbreak in Raccoon City and the ensuing nuclear explosion that devoured it.

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By the time the third body hits the floor, your handgun ammunition is depleted, and your options are limited to barricading windows, barring doorways, and desperately rummaging through rot for anything that will help turn the tide. You've already heard the first rev of certain doom by the time you get your hands on a shotgun and a few spare shells to feed it. As you try to prioritize shots between adversaries scrambling over one other up a stairway to reach you, ladders crashing in through windows, bodies accumulating on surrounding rooftops, and the low-hum of an approaching chainsaw, you'll find yourself in a desperate struggle for survival.

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It's like pulling a sled through deep low-poly muck since the camera is too near to Leon's shoulder and his turning circle is too small. To get Leon to make even the tiniest of modifications, you have to actively wrestle with the thumbsticks frustrating when pursuing spinning blue medallions, headache-inducing when dealing with adversaries. As legendary as Resident Evil 4 is for those who originally played it all those years ago, the sad truth is that games have progressed so much since then that it's tough to picture a new player enjoying its legacy, let alone comprehending its attraction, in current era.

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Now that the game has been re-released for the umpteenth time, you're undoubtedly curious how it works on the PlayStation 4. In the same way that Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 were re-released in 1080p 60 frames-per-second, RE4 has been given the same treatment.It's a port of the PC version of the Ultimate HD Edition, which was released in 2014. This means it's using GameCube graphics with extra material from the PS2 and Wii.

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While some of the graphics are starting to show their age, the game's visual direction and technical performance are still as good as they were in 2005. Even after 11 years, the game exudes the same ethereal atmosphere as it did a decade ago.

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Resident Evil 4 is and always will be a masterpiece. It says a lot when you can put a ten-year-old game on and be as absorbed in everything it has to offer as if it were your first time playing it. If you haven't yet played this survival horror smash, put down whatever game(s) you're currently playing and make way for it.

Thank You

Happy Gaming

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