My Entry to “Best Gameplay Week 16”: Esmeralda
I wanted to use my main hero for mage which is Kagura but then, I thought that they are not into boosting their win rates that’s why I picked Esmeralda who is a mage hero and is one of the most used heroes in high ranks when they want an exp laner or gold laner.
In the early game, I was having a hard time that it took me a few minutes to reconnect to the game because I have an unstable network even if I was using a WiFi connection. So, I changed my internet connection to Data by using my mobile’s data connection. When I got reconnected to the game I went directly to the mid lane since I chose Esmeralda as a support, not a gold/exp laner.
Even if I was playing, I was tried my best to get my stable connection back, so I was having a setback and just clearing the minions before engaging to the enemy who’s a 1-year level ahead of me. But when I reached level 4 and have my ultimate, that’s when I started to harass the enemy, because Esmeralda is hard to kill due to her sustainability or her shield, and if you don’t know how to build a counter item for her then you are just a piece of meat for hear by consuming her shield.