Best ever Gloridax doctor of the splinterlands

in The City of Neoxian5 years ago

The current situation on steem blockchain is really dispiriting. My favourite steem witness has shut his bank down and also taking down his witness. Not so cool for his fans. But his fans will always stand by him. More power to You Neo sir.

In spite of all this sadness, I've decided to resume my posting routine so there you go My Favourite untamed card of the week. Yes, My Favourite Untamed of the week is SCALE DOCTOR. The Legendary Dragon monster with classic abilities. Not many people know it's worth this is why It is so cheap right now. But I know the real worth of this card. I took advantage and just purchased maxed Scale Doctor right away.

Scale Doctor


I purchased it for 2.26$/BCX which costs me 138 steem. Since I purchased it using Monster Market so I got an instant 3% cashback.

As you can see in the screenshot


Let's get back to the main topic Scale doctor.

I'll admit I didn't know the worth of this card Unless I used it at a maxed level. In the above screenshot, you can see I have 2 scale doctor. One is BCX 2 which I got while opening up untamed packs. When I got This Dragon Legendary I was like WTH most useless Legendary dang. But do you know? Scale doctor is dragon legendary for a reason.

Battle Using Scale Doctor

Battle Link

When You'll watch this battle then you will get to know why this card is my favourite.

Some theoretical analysis about doctor Scale

When You look at its Lore on the splinterlands page you get Alien type of feeling. This Gloridax doctor scale seems a combination of alien + human and tough looks are God gifted I suppose :P XD. So This doctor is working on getting all kind of skills then he will be able to treat all kind of monsters disease. His speciality areas are Strengthen, Triage, Rust and Repair. A very skilled doctor I must say. When your Dragon's get sick and you are afraid of losing then Doctor scale can heal and give life to your dragon. All the skills I have mentioned are worth making it super dragon Legendary and Untamed card of the week. Strengthen skill increases the life of all the friendly monsters. And What I say about Triage amazing skill I love it when a monster with such ability heals back-line monster. Rust is the real deal against armour and Repair can save your game. I am telling you this Legendary is worth buying. Go ahead and make it part of your legendary dragon collection and then thanks me later.

That's all, for now, see y'all around till then goodbye

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


Buy or not to Buy! Still thinking :)

Whoa. That card is a beast at level 4! And yes, it does look like it is undervalued. I feel like a lot of the Untamed cards are in this boat. Many players had already created decks with the Alpha and Beta cards and are still feeling out this set to see which ones they want to level.

I think as more new players come this will even out... And eventually, We'll all have them all!!

😍 @carrieallen

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