DOOM Eternal looks


After the last minute delay of the DOOM Eternal launch date from October of 2019 to March of the present 2020, it has not been too much what Bethesda has let see of the work. From Bethesda and id Software it seems that they have focused more on development than on marketing and, after several months of silence, today DOOM Eternal has reappeared publicly to show a second full gameplay trailer.

This video also shows some new zones, demons and execution animations; but above all it highlights that the mechanics that make up the playable core of the work have been reviewed, based on a combat as fast as it is precise, based on DOOM 2016.

DOOM Eternal is a less daring title, but more aware of what makes it shine; it is less transgressive, but with a handful of better organized and clearer ideas; It is less surprising, but more DOOM than before. It is, in short, the fruit of the forbidden tree for which that bite that Adam and Eve had taken from paradise was really worth it. Because, thanks to DOOM Eternal, we can now get away from the chilling mythology that exists around demons and crush their brains against the ground. In the name of the father and that poor devil who crosses our path.

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

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