How To Earn Money Writing The Fast WaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in The City of Neoxian5 years ago

If you’re looking to learn how to earn money writing then you’ve come to the right place. Behold, I am a writer, and I make my living from writing. So I’m going to help you make some fast and/or long term cash with some freshly written articles.

There are a few rules that you need to take on board before you even think about writing for cash and taking home that paycheck, so let’s talk about that first.

Rule 1: You need to be good at writing. There’s no way getting around this. If you don’t have a natural way with words then you probably won’t be able to make a living from writing. However, it’s something that you can work on. There’s nothing stopping you practicing every day to get better at it. I started somewhere myself, and initially I wasn’t very good at it. So, begin somewhere.

Rule 2: You need to have somewhere that you can host your articles so that whoever is hiring you will have somewhere to analyse your recent work. You can’t apply for written work, or be offered written work without a showcase of already written articles somewhere. It’s like hiring someone for a job without any CV or work history. There needs to be a showcase of some sorts. Which moves on to:

Rule 3: Not exactly a rule but it’s always best if you have yourself a blog or a website where you can host your work. Having a website increases your authority 10 fold and will look better when people look you up. I’ll be honest and say you can’t just start with nothing to show for it.

To recap that, if you’re looking to write stories online for money then I suggest you need to be already good at writing, or plan to get better at it. You need a showcase of your work, which preferably should be hosted on your own website. If you want to get started with a blog a great provider to start up with would be limitless cheap hosting.

Once you have all that set up, let’s get started with how to earn money writing

Publish on

If there’s one of the easiest places I know that you can get paid to write articles is on On Medium it will cost you 5 dollars per month to write on their private portal that allows you to earn an income from them but it is worth it if you are currently writing about what they want to have a discussion on. It’s not exactly one of those websites that pay for articles but it’s certainly a place where they let you write what you want, and if they promote an article from you then you’re onto a winner. You’ll be able to make a decent income from it. Medium has lots of readers, so there’s always plenty of views going around.

Don’t be put off if you don’t get snapped up straight away. Good things come to those that try harder and get better.

How to earn money writing? Build your own blog

I know I said that having your own blog is a great way to showcase your work, but it is also a great way to earn the big bucks. If you want to get a better understanding of how to make money writing a blog then read on because it’s by far the most profitable when it comes to understanding how to make money writing online.First of all you’ll need your own domain and hosting. I’d suggest limitless cheap hosting. It’s the cheapest I can find anywhere. But, if you want to go for a more robust blogging service that you have to pay a little more for, but still gives you the freedom to do and create what you want — then I’d absolutely suggest pressable

Once you’ve done this and have your own website ready to go and start writing on then I would absolutely suggest thinking about, or at least planning through what you’re going to do to when it comes to how to earn money writing. First thing you may want to do is think about what you’re going to write about because you’re going to want to attract an audience. You want to be able to attract people in for what you’re writing about.

Think of it like this. Think about — what do they do? What kind of website are they? What are they known for?

Then think about what you do. What will you be known for? Why do people come to you?

Similarly watch out for writing about things that you think will earn you money, but you have little experience of, or just don’t enjoy writing about it. Seriously avoid this. Because you’ll either run out of content to write about very quickly, or you’ll just get bored writing because you have no passion for it. Most writers that earn online, do so because they enjoy what they do. So it needs to be something that you know, understand, and really enjoy working with. It can even be a hobby.

Don’t think to yourself, nah, no-one will be interested in this — because I guarantee you if you are interested in it, there will be many more that are interested as well. Write for them.

You can also check out websites that pay you to write articles

I know a fair amount of writers that continually submit their work to websites and get paid for it. This method is less reliable because you can submit your work to at least 10 websites and not hear back. In fact you can spend your life endlessly submitting to places that accept published work but hear back from zero of them. So do this one at your own risk, but when done right it can absolutely be a cracking way to earn some amazing cash really quickly. But you have to be seriously good at it.

A great resource on how to make money writing articles and sending them in to major publications that will publish them would be here.

There are lots of places that will give you money for writing a post. Just don’t get too upset if they don’t. That only means you will have to try harder.

You should also check out and all the other cryptocurrency publishing platforms

Think of Steemit as the gateway drug into a world of amazing publishing platforms where you can potentially earn an amazing amount for your articles. In these places you can either invest in your growth by buying cryptocurrency and adding to your potential growth, or do it the old-fashioned way by writing articles and trying to gain some traction with your work. I’ll warn you now, it may seem like these places are a great way to earn some fast cash, and they can be, but it only matters who you meet and how you communicate with them.

On cryptocurrency platforms you may think that all it takes is a good article to get money but that’s not the case. It’s about the connections that you make and the reputation that you build for yourself. Exactly the same as building a blog.

I’d suggest giving it a try though. I mean I’ve met a lot of awfully amazing people during my time in cryptocurrency. Most importantly, socialized with many people from many different cultures. It’s been an amazing journey.

Last but not least how to earn money writing by guest posting

I’ll warn you now. Guest posting will not earn you any money whatsoever. You give your time and your writing skills to another platform in the hope for a good link back to your work or blog. The idea behind this is that you can scout out bigger publications to link back to your smaller publication.Link backs are worth a lot of money in the real world. So for one or two links back to your article / blog can be worth over $200 depending on how big the publication is. So when you are guest posting think of it as the money you are saving rather than the money you are earning. If you had to go through the route where you pay for guest posts then it can potentially cost you a lot of money.

Contact three or four websites that regularly look for guest writers. There are plenty of them. Do it now.

Do it yourself, it’s fun, and it’s cheaper. And only you will understand and know your own values.

Also make sure that you read the website’s terms and conditions and their values. There’s no point trying to publish your article on steakhouses on a massive vegetarian outlet.

Please also consider some training

I’m a member of wealthy affiliate and it has been by far the biggest eye opener when it comes to how to earn money writing. The products, the tools, and the training has been second to none. Please consider checking out my review in the suggested link. You won’t regret it!! 

Published with love and care on my blog here: 

Posted via | The City of Neoxian


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Wow! How did they ban you?

Same way Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Minds, IWA, Live Journal, TOL, VIA, ASOV, etc, banned, terminated, destroyed, deleted, erased, deactivated, censored, knocked off, removed, etc, me and others. Medium did the same under the guise that I was possibly spam.

thanks for sharing and nice to meet you.

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