Encrypted hut inside the desert of an encrypted Matrix ... Jawa's Hut - Searching the old town ruins of the First Jedi Order ...

in The City of Neoxian4 years ago (edited)

Nowadays, everyone it's been shocked with all these bull and bear runs inside this so called crypto market ...

Maybe we should hide in a hut inside the Tatooine desert, like my buddy Jawa did ... later you'll read the story ...

Never to forget the art of lego that represents a new art form of expression of my creativity along with my children ...

Therefore in this blog, i'll write two interesting lego stories based on some of our favorite Star Wars lego characters ...

First, let's discuss a little bit some interesting subject from this encrypted world of this new market system ...

Maybe some of you have seen that me and my buddy Yoda, we have a new quantum computer and we can see some inevitable predictions ...


Everyone is believing that NOW the market will start a new bull-run with a target of minimum 45000-50000 $ per one btc ... without realizing that the whole World is not prepared ... yet ...

As you'll read my #blog right now, the entire crypto space is actually in a big correction movement ...

It's not the right Time for a full-bull-run ... We haven't seen yet another fake FOMO trend ...

I remember when a couple of months ago the #btc hit the price of more than 13000 $ ... and no one realized that actually it's a psichological game ...

Right now where we are with the actual price of btc it's not anymore a shock like when it jumped from 3200 to 21000 ...

When btc will hit the last target of 21000 $, people will look at it like ... mneak', what is this? :-))

It's that mental game, when a billionaire is looking at a bill of 100 $ ... first of all like on a piece of paper AND then like the value of 1 pr 10 $ :-))

I've always loved crypto charts ...

They look like music scores ... just joking ... :-)))

Actually the whole thing it's a nice story ... like being at cinema, watching a movie that always has its script pre-defined ...

I remember how me, the Jeddak and Jedi Yoda :-) did this encrypted "poem" when the cryptonian movie went crazy, a few months ago ...

In this scenario, even if it's an inevitable correction ... the story starts ... and the whole movie will go like this ...

If, there will be a V formation, like the one from Vechain sign, then All Go!!! Ran like an Algorand, while musical licks are played like a Chainlink on a score of Musicoin, where Quantum after quantum is executing like an I-Exec, millions of beats like a Bittorent inside of an Infinite Cosmos with its sacred Atom, which has his Basic attention focused on the whole menu, within a Kyber Network which is swaping notes of cryptos inside a Matrix, where the escape will be only through the mind setup of a Neo, which would work hard like a bee within the awesome Hive Blockchain, to understand that this bull-run might not sit on a Tron, like a king that has the Tezos wisdom of an ancient greek and it might only have its Ontology, as the true meaning of this branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being ... which in the end might lead to a cube, like the Stakecube https://stakecube.net/?team=ElBalkumbero , where your whole Energi might have been evaporated like a Steem in the air ... and yet, the whole story did not stopped to the main Icon, which returns to its source if that Bit like a coin in a form of V ...


May i laugh a little bit?

Take a look on https://stakecube.net/?team=ElBalkumbero and don't miss this opportunity ...

As i've told you, me, the Jeddak Lucian and my Jedi Yoda have this awesome quantum computer that can predict things from all the spaces in the Galaxy ... all that we need is the encrypted Portals to open the magical secrets of everything ...

He's almost everyday checking the whole infos that we are receiving through Portals ...


In rest, what we can tell is that ... after this next month of September, it might be the last time when you'll see btc bellow 10 K ...

We'll assist this month to a massive correction in matter of crypto space ...

The whole World might be induced in a global recession like no other before ...

Drink air and eat Water ...

Hope you all stay safe and i know that everyone will travel further through their own Portals, according to the deeds of each soul ...

Stay tuned people to the 432 Hz frequency and feel free to listen and add some of my music compositions to your daily music menu ...


If you like my music album, you can add it to yur favorite playlist, here:


If you like some jazz/world-music, you can add this playlist:


If you simply like some electro-world music add this cryptonian album:


What would this World be without music?

Never to forget ... no matter how many btc you'll have ... i don't think you'll be able to buy your place inside the land of Eiwa Tree ...


I'm still amazed how people miss the opportunity to invest in staking protocols through awesome platforms like:


You will find other great crypto coins with awesome potential of growing in the near Future, coins like, Daps/Apr/Rapids/Blocknet/Deviant/Monkey/Neblio and many others.

I think that in a hostile environment like a desert, no matter if it's inside of Tatooine planet or Marsoom ... when you have a friend it's the best way to live everyday and help each other ...

This way happened to our protagonists of our today's episode ...

While, Jawa was meditating and tried to imagine his sketch of his desert hut ...


C-3PO appeared out of nowhere,after a big pile of lego, on a perfect moment, whe Jawa just started to make a plan on how should he build his new desert hut ...


Jawa was sitting there between those lego bricks, without knowing yet the design of his future desert hut ...

With the appeareance of this awesome new friend, C-3PO things were changing, while he saw that this robot had some cool ideas to build his hut ...


They've started right away to put in plan their ideas ...

C-3PO started to help Jawa and gave him every piece of lego, so they could finish the hut before a sand storm would appear on the desert Horizon ...


Brick after brick and his desert hut started to receive a shape ... which made Jawa happy ... Even if C-3PO was a robot as well ... something told Jawa that he was happy as well and there might be a soul inside this robotic machine ...


After quite a short time, the hut started to have a cool shape, worthy of the creativity of two master masons ...

Jawa knew that through this collaboration out of nowhere, they will remain like brothers under the Oath of the Jawa's Desert Owl ...

Before the last details to be finished on their hut, Jawa's idea was to to strengthen the roof of the hut.

C-3PO gave him the final bricks and the entire desert hut looked amazing ...


When we think that this kind of collabration would signify the true heart of a community, we would question ourselves if this World still has it ... or it has disappeared ... ?

Maybe that old Oath of master masons are still existing inside a desert like the one where Jawa and his new brother C-3PO are living in ...

To build, even a desert hut, brick by brick, using the lego world and ideas, might something challenging for nowadays ...


In the end, the results are those who will confirm, if the effort worth it or not ...

For the moment, Jawa is happy that his hut is protecting him inside the desert and the most important thing is that he made a new brother in this hostile environment, that will stay will him and will help him in the future ...

Jawa was very happy to try the new desert hut right when the Sun set, and while C-3PO went to search for some woods for the fire, he entered inside the hut to observe the magical light from above ...

I think to live inside the desert might be a magical way of living ... for some ...


Soon, more episodes with our buddies, Jawa and C-3PO ...

Our next story will start with the search of the Secret Ruins of the First Jedi Order ...

What other way to start our story, than the epic journey through the desert of the Tatooine planet of two of my favorite characters from the world of the Star Wars ...

Ali'ah Tusken Raider and SandolOrion Trooper ...


Two brothers of the Order searching the secret town that could look like a ruin after thousands of years ...

They were travelling already for more than two days throught the desert from the Tatooine planet ... when suddenly something appeared on the Horizon, after they've entered through a portal ...


After two days of travelling they've reached their destination ...

The ruins of the old town of the First Order of the Jedi was on their Horizon ...

They were very happy to find that Jedi Yoda was expecting them ...

He lead them to their room, which looked much more like a ruin after a war ... but despite this issue, the entire town was functional ... of course because Jedi Yoda and its entire team fixed it ...


While Jedi Yoda presented them the room where they were supposed to sleep ... the table was already filled with lots of good food ...

Luke Skywalker was still sleeping ...

Of course he woke up right away when he saw that his buddies arrived inside this awesome town ...

Maybe for some would look like ruins, but for us it's perfection in disguise ...

While Luke Skywalker was sleeping, he dreamed and interesting dream ... he remembered the first days of his father Anakin, inside the First Order of the Jedi ...

He dreamed that morning, when somebody appeared inside the room to take some tools to repair a spaceship ...

Guess what?

They were ... Anakin and princess Padme Amidala :-) (his awesome parents)

We all know that Padme Amidala was a young princess from the Naboo planet ...

While they were entering the room, to search for the tools, they've seen the table filled with food ... so, they were eating a lot to eceive some energy for the whole hours on which they were supposed to fix their little spaceship ...


He dreamed as well the moment when, while Jedi Yoda was taking a walk he saw Anakin and Padme Amidala working on their spaceship and he decided that some advices from an old master would be helpful for them ...


I guess that a dream like this one would be one of the best memory ever, as well as to have a life inside the ruins of a town like this one, from the first Jedi Order, would be perfect ...

Also, writing a story with five famous characters from the awesome Star Wars episodes is also a wonderful thing.


I do hope you've enjoyed the story, the photos ...

Soon something epic will arrive with more stories within' the Old Ruins of the Jedi Order Town ...

Meanwhile, let's have some epic dreams like my buddy Luke Skywalker and just forget this bull and bear runs that are taking place in this thing called cryptonian market ...

Better to visit a market inside a village from Tatoine planet ...


Posted via neoxian.city | The City of Neoxian

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