Trip to Azenha Virgin Forest #1 - S.Justa Valongo | Portugal


For now, the stage for these articles based on photography that i have shared, continue to be the mountains of Valongo, which have helped me a lot and not only, to overcome this phase of confinement.
Now that the restrictive measures are beginning to be more lenient, choosing to instruct and appeal to the common sense of the population, i believe that it is possible for me to travel more distant and varied places to record other scenarios.
It will still be early to continue mapping the north coast in the municipality of Matosinhos, as i was doing it during my lunch break at work, but as i am working from home right now, i will not be able to move to these locations.



Certainly there will be plenty of new places to register.
As i was referring, this one that i share today, started as a family outing accompanied by a friendly couple, always maintaining the social distance and all the necessary care, although we have all been protected at home for more than 1 month, on a day that was supposed to rain, but it surprised us with the first rays of sunlight, and then we knew we would have to take the opportunity to go out for a while.




We started the path towards the straw field, and when we arrived there we decided to make a detour to the left and start to descend the mountain towards the ecological corridor that is located below and that runs through several locations, through the middle of agricultural fields and forest area until the Couce road and continuing for several km towards Gondomar, crossing the entire Couce mountain range.



On the way down, and as has been usual with these hikes, i let them advance on the ground and stayed behind to take some macros from some interesting plants, with contrasts and very peculiar structures.
Noteworthy, there were also some green spaces, small clearings that were marked and registered as quite pleasant places to spread a blanket and have a picnic or simply spend an afternoon lying down reading a book or looking at the sky in the middle of nature, where despite the proximity to the urban environment, the predominant sound is that of birds.





Arriving at the ecological corridor and immediately noticing that the path would be accompanied by several hikers who decided to spend the day there, we decided to cross ahead and continue down towards a small water line that crosses Azenha towards Couce.
Once there, the little ones took advantage of the stop to have a small snack before continuing the walk and i came face to face with the ruins of another plot of land that is for sale, and of course, i started by evaluating all the pros and cons inherent in a possible acquisition, what will be the size of the land attached to the property, which would have to be completely demolished and built anew, since there only the land would be worth.






But it was another finding that was recorded :)
From now on, the scenario will be completely different, but i'll leave that for a later article.

That´s all for today :)

See you soon

Thank you for watching :)

All images are my property | Images © 2020 @aleister

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