I originally posted this on Steemit here years ago
Language and Fire were not created by our Species, and we are not in the 2nd Millennium. Our species, Homo Sapien, has been around for at least 100,000 years and language, through gestures, sounds and signaling, has existed for even longer, while the control of fire has existed for at least 1,000,000 years. Most people on Earth still have 1-4% Neanderthal DNA except for people living in Sub-Saharan Africa, who are 100% Homo Sapien and the only people who have the DNA of a third species are the Natives in Papua New Guinea, who have 4-6% Denisovan DNA.
At least 70,000 years ago the first example of human rituals can be found in Python Cave, in the Tsodilo Hills, Ngamiland, Botswana, and these rituals were practiced by the San people, who still live there today. A stone carved to look like it has scales was found, similar to a python which is a San holy animal, along with over 13,000 tools, shards of quartz and spear tips, some of which were used to carve the stone and some which were brought to the site from far and wide to be burned. The Tsodilo Hills are still considered sacred by the San people and are called the Mountains of the Gods or the Rock that Whispers. The Python Cave shows that humans have been having abstract thought since at least 70,000 years ago.
Around 50,000 years ago symbolic thought and careful selection of raw materials began to spread throughout humanity, which can be seen in the Diepkloof Ostrich egg carvings and Blombos Cave. This is when the first bedding was created from a plant called Imphepho, and this is the region where the flower known as Silene Udulata grows which is a well known dream herb used in the mixture called Ubulawu used by the Xhosa people. During this period, between 130,000 and 45,000 years ago, humans spread from Africa to Australia, possibly through what is called the Southern Dispersal Route. This route goes from Southern Africa, up through what is now the regions around Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia, to India, Indochina and Australia. Along this route seafood was a very important source of food and there are various examples of tools, arrowheads, pottery, cave carvings and paintings. The Bhimbetka Rock Shelters in what is now known Madhya Pradesh, India, are the site of the first paintings ever, which were created as long as 30,000 years ago and 700 similar sites have been found, some which belonged to the Bhimbetka people and others that belonged to the Lakha Juar people.
The Lake Mungo Remains are a group of skeletons in Australia who lived between 18,000 and 45,000 years ago, not all of them lived at the same time, but one of them may be the oldest examples of cremation in the World and they all represent the people who created a Religious system which has become known as Dreamtime. To the Australian Aboriginals the word Dreaming means time out of time or everywhen and is not exclusive to living beings. This is also around the same time the first Dogs were domesticated, and there are now 4 main strains of Dogs: Asian Dogs, Carolina Dogs (American), Dingos (Australian) and Singing Dogs (Papua New Guinea). Some of the first Domesticated Dogs have been found to have been fed Seafood. During this time, around 35,000 BC, the people of Japan also developed relationships with Dolphins, where the humans and the Dolphins would help each other fish.
The first plant that was ever farmed is the Fig tree, around 11,000 BC, at a site called Gesher near the border of the West Bank of Palestine and Jordan now. Fig trees can’t pollinate themselves and need something else to pollinate them, usually it is a bug known as a Fig wasp, but around 11,000 BC humans realized that we could do the same thing the wasps were doing, and keep an orchard. The fig is and has been considered sacred in various cultures.
Then around 10,000 BC the first Native Americans crossed from Siberia to Alaska, and around the same time the people at the Nabta Playa site in Egypt, who called themselves Kemet, were the first to map the stars. It is likely that they accomplished this by using lines drawn in the sand by Scarab beetles, who are known to follow the Moon and Stars as a guide at night. The scarab was also worshiped by the Egyptians in the form of the God Khepri. This is also when the throwing stick transitioned into the boomerang in various cultures, from Egypt to Australia. This is also about the same time the City of Dwarka was built, which is an Ancient city in India that is now submerged underwater. Sanskrit texts say that the city was founded by Lord Krishna and that it was submerged under the sea, but it was only discovered recently.
Around 5,000 BC, in Dabki, Poland, there is evidence of Farming Cultures coming together with Hunter Gatherer cultures in order to trade across the Sea. Many types of pottery have been found, an important example is pottery the Funnel Beaker culture, as well as various materials made from animals, such as leather cords, carved antler tools, and various other materials.
Around 4000 BC in Armenia, there was the first mass production of Wine. Soon after this, around 3,500 BC, Horses were domesticated in the area that is now Kazakhstan to Armenia, first by the Botai people.
The first wheel appeared shortly after this, about 3000 BC, in Sumeria. The wheel became a Religious symbol, with spokes representing different things to different cultures, and the movement representing the movement of the Sun, Stars and Planets. Soon after the Egyptians mapped the sky, the Egyptians and Sumerians began mapping Planets, the movements of Planets, Star systems, etc. The Egyptians, or the people of Kemet, mapped a calendar close to our calendar by creating walls to act as fake horizons, and making marks on the wall every day when the Sun came up. At the end of the year, after making a mark every day, the Sun would go back to where it started and they would have 365 marks. The Moon cycles gave them the months, so they also had 12 Months, or Moon-ths. The word Saturday comes from Saturn, Sunday comes from the Sun, Monday comes from the Moon, and so on. This system is actually based on the Ogdoad, which is a system of Gods which can be found in various Religions, also called the 7 Heavens or 7 Heavenly bodies in Christianity which did not exist at this time.
Around 2600 BC, about 500 years after Upper and Lower Egypt were united as one nation by King Scorpion II, an Egyptian named Imhotep invented Medicine, Surgery, Stairs, Columns and the first Pyramid, known as the Step Pyramid. A temple was built for Imhotep when he died, which became something like the first Hospital, and he was later worshiped in the form of a God. The Ancient Egyptians were also aware of petroleum products, which they used for painting and waterproofing. They were also aware of electricity, in the form of static electricity and the Electric Eel which they called the Thunderer of the Nile. By this time Religion and Art had become much more sophisticated, and Gods were important and powerful Mnemonic devices with each Temple being like a specialized University. In the same time period, between 3,300 BC and 1,700 BC, the Indus Valley civilization flourished, which was the precursor to Hinduism. The Indus Valley Civilization was the first to create a city in a grid shape, and shared many ideas and a few Gods with the early Greeks. Around 2,000 BC the Island of Crete advanced, having a position in the middle of the Mediterranean, mixing a few elements of the Egyptian, Eurasian and European cultures. Just after this, around 1,800 BC, Babylon was created and expanded. Around 1,500 BC the Vedas were written in India in the Sanskrit language, starting with the Rig Veda, which created Hinduism. At the same time the first signs of Greek culture began to appear, and Phoenicia was founded, which was a Kingdom that encompassed Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine and Syria, the Capital of Phoenicia was in Byblos and eventually moved to Tyre, and according to the Old Testament, Israel was ruled by their first Judges which were similar to Kings. The Phoenicians invented Royal Purple Dye, called Tyrian Purple, using Conches, as well as Crimson and Blue, they also created the most advanced boats of the time, the first clear glass and various languages. The word Europe comes from the Phoenician Goddess Europa, and the Phoenicians were the inspiration of the Greek Phoenix. In modern Turkey during this period, Phrygia was growing, which is where the Phrygian cap, also known as the Liberty cap, comes from.
Around 800 BC Carthage was founded by the Phoenician, Punic, Queen Dido. Carthage was in North Africa, in modern day Tunisia, Libya, Morocco & Algeria. During this time the Greek culture also grew, expanding Math and Philosophy. At about the same time Zoroaster created Zoroastrianism, which put all the Babylonian Gods into one God, which created the first Religion with only one God, as well as a modern Astronomical Religion. In 782 BC the City of Yerevan was founded as the Capital of Armenia, and in 753 BC the City of Rome was founded which would become the Capital of Italy. Around 500 BC in India, Siddhartha became the first Buddha and created Buddhism, at the same time the Persian empire was established by Cyrus. Around 300 BC Philip II made Macedonia a great Kingdom, and then Alexander the Great took over after him and expanded it into a massive Empire reaching all the way to modern Pakistan. These two empires created the Hellenistic Era, which is when the East and the West really got to know each other. Statue making spread from Egypt and Greece to Asia and India where statue making is now an important part of Religion, and Spices, Dyes, Plants and Animals came from Asia and India to Egypt and Greece, while knowledge moved both ways. 2 Major influential books from this time are Aegyptiaca, by Manethos and Babyloniaca, by Berrosus. Aegyptiaca means: the History of Egypt, and Babyloniaca means: the History of Babylon, this is also when the Library of Alexandria was established in Egypt as well as the first Musaeum.
Around 200 BC Rome went to war with Carthage in the First and Second Punic wars, at this time Sicily had just switched from being part of Carthage to being part of Italy, and Carthage lost control of the sea to Rome. On the Carthaginian side the war as primarily fought by the Barca family, on the Roman side it was fought by over-eager Politicians who sustained great loss for Rome due to their arrogance, and it got so bad that at one time they are said to have banned the word Peace. Fighting Hannibal Barca is where Rome learned most of their Military tactics. In 196 BC the Rosetta Stone was created, if it had not been created the Egyptian language would be a complete mystery to us. Around 100 BC an Orator named Cicero changed Politics and Language in ways that shaped modern Politics and Democracy. In 27 BC the Roman Empire was founded by Roman Fraternities and around 0 BC Jesus challenged the Roman Empire and was killed. Then in 64 AD Rome burned while Nero played a fiddle.
Around 300 AD Constantine became the first Christian Roman Emperor after seeing the cross in a dream, on it were the words: In this sign you conquer. In 330 AD he founded the City Constantinople, which is now the City called Istanbul in what is now Turkey. Around 600 AD Mohammed composed the Quran and in the period following this, Mosques became centers of knowledge and science. Most things beginning with ‘Al’ were created by the Arabic peoples, such as Alchemy which is the precursor to Chemistry, Electronic Engineering, etc, or pure Alcohol which is used for everything from Chemistry applications to a recreational beverage and is banned for that use in many Muslim countries, or Algebra which is a useful form of Math. Around 1,000 AD different Muslim groups were feuding and the Assassins, called the Hashashins then, were formed. At the same time The Poor Knights of Christ were formed, which was a Christian group who made pilgrimages to Holy sites and followed the words of Jesus to: Sell your cloak and buy a sword. The Poor Knights of Christ later became the Knights Templar. This is also when the Crusades flared up.
In 1,215 AD the Magna Carta was signed by a large group of European rulers, taking the power of the courts out of the hands of Kings or Queens and putting it into the hands of the people by establishing Juries and Rights, as well as paving the way for Parliaments. Around this time Islam was spreading through Africa, creating Cities like Timbuktu. Around 1,400 AD Leonardo Da Vinci became a famous artist, creating rough blueprints for the first Tank, Helicopter and Scuba suit. And in 1,492 AD Christopher Columbus sailed to America looking for a trade route to India. India is the only large scale Civilization which is still practicing the same Ancient Religion, using the same Ancient Temples that they always have. Around 1,600 AD Galileo began mapping the Sky using the Telescope. Soon after this Isaac Newton discovered a force that pulls all objects, planets and stars towards each other, which he called Gravity. In 1,698 AD the Steam Engine was invented, and around 1,700 AD various Electronic devices began to be invented. During this time Galvani discovered that there is electricity in all living beings.
In 1,776 AD the American Colonies Declared Independence, and the Constitution was written by Thomas Jefferson with help from Benjamin Bannecker. In 1,799 AD Alessandro Volta discovered Electrolytes and created the first Battery. Between 1,820 and 1,830 AD the first Electromagnetic Engines were created and Faraday’s law was written. In 1,837 AD Stein Hill proposed that the Earth could be used as a Circuit and that Earth’s magnetic field had Electrical Currents. In 1,839 AD Alexandre Edmond Becquerel discovered Photovoltaics, now called Solar Power. In 1,840 AD the Telegraph was invented and soon after this Morse Code was invented by Samuel Morse. In 1,858 AD the Transatlantic cable was put in place in order to facilitate communication across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1,861 AD Faraday’s law was expanded on by Maxwell’s equations. Then in 1,863 AD Abraham Lincoln gave the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves in the United States. In 1,879 AD Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb as well as fuses and microphones, then between 1,882 AD and 1,902 AD Oliver Heaviside, a self-taught Electrical Engineer, reformulated Electrical Theories laying the groundwork for modern Electrical Engineering and the modern AT&T. At the same time, between 1,886 AD and 1,900 AD Nikola Tesla invented Alternating Current (AC), the Rotating Electric Field, Radio, Wireless transmission, Quadrapolar Polarity, the Tesla Oscillator, the Tesla X-ray, the Tesla Coil, the Tesla Turbine and the Tesla Principle. Nikola Tesla was friends with Swami Vivekananda who brought the first Hindu Temples to the United States in that same time period. In the 1,890’s AD Charles Proteus Steinmetz reformulated some of Nikola Tesla’s work in a way that Electrical Engineers of the time could grasp, laying the groundwork for General Electric (GE). Steinmetz with Ernst Alexanderson expanded on Nikola Tesla’s invention of Wireless transmission, which expanded Radio and lead to Television. In 1,903 AD the Wright Brothers created the first Airplane, in 1,908 AD Henry Ford invented the Model T.
Between 1,905 AD and 1,939 AD Albert Einstein proposed his theories, between 1,914 AD and 1,918 AD WWI split up the Ottoman Empire, then in the 1,920’s AD Marcus Garvey created the Black Pride movement and Noble Drew Ali created the Moorish Science Temple, then in 1,927 AD Philo Farnsworth created the first Image Dissector Camera Tube, which allowed for the first fully electronic Television. And between 1,939 AD and 1,945 AD WWII was fought and the first and only Atomic Bomb was used in a War.