The dairy game # 23/01/2021 # and first entry in this community

in STEEM FOR TRADITION3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone! It’s me @tangera from UK. I am Bangladeshi, got this beautiful community, just joined and going to make a dairy game. At first want to little introduce with me that will be easy for you to understand me. I am married, got two kids girls, one is 9 another one is 6 years old.

My dairy game:

Everyday I woke up early in the morning. After finishing my prayer I have prepared the children to go to school. I don’t need to take them school because they go to school their school taxi . I stay little bit in my garden after giving the kids taxi.









Then me and my husband have our breakfast. I like toast bread with butter and jam. Also like chapati with vegetables that is my favourite and it’s healthy too .


Today we had an appointment with a dentist just a routine check. For this we left home at 9:30 am. We went to clinic by bus that is my favourite transport. Our bus came at 9: 50. It took half an hour to get to the clinic.




Our appointment was at 12 o’clock but we reached early so we got a chance to do some shopping, there was a big shopping mall near the clinic. We bought some clothes for my kids. Here are some photographs of the shopping mall.





After finishing our shopping went to the clinic. Doctors checked our teeth , also had an x-ray to check properly because I had some problems in my teeth , at last doctor said it’s okay just need a little feeling. So I needed to make another appointment for next month.

While we are going to back home found a fruits shops. We bought some fruits, there were some apples, pears, Mangoes, grapes and watermelon.






At last we back to home by bus. We reached home at 2 o’clock, after finishing our prayer we had our launch that was fish curry and chicken meat and dal. My children back home at 3:30 pm. After giving their food had some rest. Then help them to make their home learning.

Then I watched my favourite serial in my favourite YouTube channel Baseera. That I always watch when get time. It’s in a Bengali language, there are 10 episodes about death and life. Request to all Bengali people please watch this video, sure you will get peace and will be attracted to Allah? Here is the link.

At 6 o’clock had some snacks with kids . I usually don’t have any heavy food at night. Just little snacks with tea.



After finishing my snacks I said my Maghreb prayers , then recite sura Mulk and sura waqiah that I do every day. Then have some little fruits, and milk.Everyday try to have five items of foods that is very helpful our body.



Then after saying my Esha prayer go to sleep at 11 o’clock. Remember it’s very important for go to bed early and wake up early too. Better time to go to bed is 10 o’clock , if you go to bed early can easy wake up early. That’s all my dairy game. Hope you enjoyed it.

All the pictures are my own with my smart phone.
Thanks to visit, @tangera.


Sorry the website I have given it, not working . If you want to watch just search to in YouTube, Baseera , then you will get all episodes for Jibon and mittu.

 3 years ago 

Beautiful photography. And also amazing dairy game post .

Thank you very much brother.

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