Contest:The Most Beautiful Moment In My Life

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Hello Everyone,
I am going to be writing on the most beautiful moment of my life.
I haven't really expressed this moment anywhere but this contest is offering me an opportunity,I really appreciate that.
This moment marked the most beautiful because the moment cost me tears, through out my existence I have shed tears at one point or another,but that momentary tears were golden and depicted happiness.

My name is Ihezie Ugochukwu Stephen, Ugochukwu is a typical Igbo name meaning God's Pride.Of course this tells that am from the Igbo tribe of Eastern Nigeria. The same Igbo tribe in Chinua Achebe'sThings Fall Apart.
Growing up in this part of the world is an interesting course to define hardship. Having come from a family of seven my dad,my mum,I and my four brothers, making it an all men family excluding my mum,this condition keeps the family at heat given the ambitious nature of boys _before I forget I am the second at birth position.

Throughout teenage into adolescence I was always reminded by my instinct the difficulty and expectations of adulthood. But then, the difficulty I pinpointed as a child growing up was the financial requirements for school and academic life. Being an education lover, I secretly counted each termly fee that my parents paid as a luck.
On many occasions during my secondary school level,I can recall experiencing the panic of graduating from that level because I felt that would be the end of my academic career giving the financial position of my parents in taking care of my fees in I decide to further my education into the higher institution.


Having finished my West African Senior Certificate Examination in 2018 from Rochas Foundation College Obiohia ,that point in life which I feared most came,I kept taking solace in two words "fight" and "hope"_Lest I forget,I had the privilege of my secondary school registering and paying for my Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination,an examination organized by the Joint Admission Matriculation Board,which qualifies you for admission into the university on merit. That was a bonus to me.
While awaiting my WASSCE and JAMB results,I engaged in doing menial job to save up money,solely for my admission process. I was a then Imo State University Law Aspirant.
One faithful morning,when am almost done preparing for work,my dad and mum called me into the sitting room,I only words I can conclude being said by my mum was "Ugo m I ga-echetu ka okpara nne gi guputa mahadum tupu I banye" which translates to "Ugo m (my pride,m -is a possessive pronoun in Igbo Language meaning "my",this nickname is mostly used by my mum to get me pacified you will take a break in your pursuit for admission until you elder brother graduates"_sorry I forgot to tell you guys that my elder brother was also seeking for admission the same year as I was. He was a University of Port Harcourt Medicine and Surgery Aspirant.
That morning I left for work with both fear and anger in my heart _don't get me wrong,I really do understand my parents and the situation of things,but they should have given the both of us equal chances,who knows,I might end up being admitted instead of my elder brother (I secretly wished for that though). It now occurred to me why my parents where delaying in giving me the money to purchase my Imo State University's POST-UTME form, POST-UTME is an examination conducted by your preferred institution, one's admission into his/her preferred institution partially depends on the examination. From my savings,I purchased the form sat for the examination keeping my hopes high.

As fate may have it my elder brother was offered a provisional admission to study Human Anatomy in University of Port Harcourt while my "JAMB CAPS" kept showing "no admission". My fears hit me real hard,I completely lost hope of going to higher institution anytime soon (although I prayed that Imo State University should just offer me an admission,let it be that there was no fund to further my education then).
Like an unexplainable dream,my mentor ,who knew of my ordeal,he was then a fresh Law Graduate of Imo State University also an alumni of high school,contacted me on WhatsApp that the Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,Sen. Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha was offering a fully funded scholarship to jambites especially alumni of the Rochas Foundation Colleges. I saw that as a way,a chance and a hope.
He proposed I should forward my details to him to help me get the form. Days turned into weeks I kept hoping for an invitation from the school,finally the school sent an invitation to me, telling me to come down to the school for Eastern Palm University's POST-UTME on a real free basis. After everything was done including a change of institution from Imo State University to Eastern Palm University, I spent almost every minute of the day viewing and re-viewing my JAMB CAPS.
Just like a perfect timing,I was offered admission on the 3rd Nov,2018,a day after my birthday.


God,I joy knew no bounds,I cried ,I shouted,truth be told I can't explain what miracle was till that moment. Now fears and endless doubts all disappear on that beautiful day. It was a yes to my prayer,I was going to school without being bothered about tuition fee.


Although the coronavirus pandemic caused a huge delay in academic activities,I can still smiled to the fact that I am a third year student of Political Science, Eastern Palm University, Ogboko. Thanks to Sen.Owelle Anayo Rochas Okorocha for making 3rd November a beautiful day in my life.




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