🐰🐇Pet Photography🐰🐇 Contest Around the World by || @ mdhosain.

in STEEM FOR TRADITION3 years ago (edited)

بِسۡمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحۡمٰنِ الرَّحِیۡمِ


My Dear steemians,
How are you Everyone ?
Hope you all are fine and having a good day.

I am @mdhosain from🇧🇩 Bangladesh🇧🇩

Today I will discuss with you, my pet rabbit, I hope you will like my discussion InshaAllah. Let's get started then.





Rabbits are herbivores of calm and innocent nature.Rabbit rearing has not yet become widespread in Bangladesh. However, raising rabbits commercially in a scientific manner is very profitable. Before that you have to know the rules and regulations of keeping rabbits.

Advantages of observance: 1. Fast-growing animals.
2. Gives birth to 2-6 babies at a time. One month after the child is born. Food efficiency is relatively good. The position of rabbits after poultry in meat production. It can be kept in less place in less food. It is possible to produce more at low cost. Rabbit meat is more nutritious. Food leftovers from the kitchen, grass and herbs. Successful use of family labor is possible. Its meat is highly valued in hotels, restaurants or banquets.

How to keep: Rabbits can be reared by making small sheds on the roof, yard or veranda of the house. Litter method: This method is suitable for keeping a small number of rabbits. For this the floor should be of concrete. Rabbits dig holes in the ground. In litter method, chaff, wooden husk or paddy straw should be spread 4-5 inches thick on the floor. If you want to raise rabbits in this way, it is not right to raise more than 30 rabbits at a time. Male rabbits should be kept in separate rooms. Because rabbits are very difficult to handle. Male rabbits are left with female rabbits for 10-15 minutes only for breeding.

Amount in food:-
Feed 130-145 grams per day for adult rabbits, 250-300 grams per day for lactating rabbits and 90 grams per day for growing rabbits.

Type of food:-
Green leafy vegetables: Seasonal vegetables, spinach, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, vegetable remnants, green grass, etc.
Grain food: Rice, wheat, maize, oilseeds etc. However, food prepared for broiler chickens for commercial rabbit rearing can be used as a rabbit ration.




Rabbits are usually hobbies or Although kept as pets Rabbit meat is necessary for human beings It is possible to fill the deficit of some meat It will be 6

The rabbit meat is extremely tasty and its Meat contains protein, energy, minerals, etc.Amounts high and fat, sodium and The amount of cholesterol is less than 6 So at home or Raising rabbits on the farm is very economical There are 6 possibilities.






About rabbit breeding and baby care Must have ideas Reproduction

Rabbits are usually first at 5-6 months of age
Is fertile, but seasonal and adequate weight
It is largely dependent on receipt

Pregnant rabbits within 28-34 days The child gives 6
The weight of the baby is usually 2% of the mother's body weight. Is 6

The lactation period of rabbits is 6-7 weeks
And the winning weight is 800-1200 grams

Provides 2-6 children at a time
Three months after giving birth, the baby is born again
Can give 6

A male rabbit during breeding
With 3-4 female rabbits should be kept

To keep pregnant rabbits separate
It will be 6 Caring for a baby rabbit Small animal rabbits together 6-7 cubs Gives birth, so the first ten days of these babies Special care is required.

The mother feeds the baby from the rabbit
Need to help If necessary to feed milk in feeder Will

Soaking biscuits in rice starch or milk
Can go Necessary temperature arrangement in the child's room Have to.

Baby from the hands of pedestrians, red ants, etc.
To take the necessary measures of protection


It's really nice,pet.❤️

Thank u

Hello, nice post! Your rabbits are so cute. Your post very complete and excellent photographs. Greetings.

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