First Best Project | Contest by @oppongk | Submitted by @kinzaghauri

in STEEM FOR TRADITION3 years ago (edited)

Hello People!

Just came across this wonderful contest in by @oppongk in @around-theworld and was really impressed by the idea. The topic had me thinking about it for a while and I just knew I had to take part in this one.
I had not one, not two but a couple of great ideas for how to invest and use #steem for my project but I’ll only share my most favorite and practical one here.

A Little Context

As I mentioned earlier in my introductory post I am a Dentist (Here is a link for those who still haven’t read it: My Introduction) , and do not consider Dentistry just as my profession but an opportunity to reach and help other people more. I consider myself blessed to have been chosen for this noble field.

In my 4 years of dental school, we have had multiple outreach pragmas to different schools, areas and departments. Living in Karachi, we were mostly taken to places that didn’t have the privilege and awareness of things such as Oral Health.

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One thing that was common in all of the people was the mindset that Dental/Oral Health is a luxury and not a necessity. And while I completely agree, more like, understand where they are coming from, I take it as my mission to change this mindset and spread awareness about the significance of Oral Health.

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For this reason, I would like to set up my own DENTAL CLINIC AND A TRAINING CENTRE. I plan on building a Clinic which will provide free treatment to the people who need it. A Training Centre, which will provide workshops and courses for Dental Hygienist, Dental Assistants and Lab Technicians. So I can train and hire unemployed people too.

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I strongly believe in,
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to Fish and you feed him for ä lifetime.

My Thoughts

Even though I have a long way to go in terms of learning myself, but Dreams don’t come true overnight. You have to work to make them happen for you.
Studying in a government institute, I have come across patients that can’t even afford to get even an emergency procedure, let alone the cosmetic and aesthetic. It’s our responsibility as practitioners that such people don’t get the access denied to basic needs due to their financial issues.

@art-bangladesh thankyou for this platform

Regards, @kinzaghauri


You have very kind plan kina. There is so much poverty in our country. Seriously my heart cries after seeing those little children roaming aimlessly on roads and sam is the case these people can't afford illness just because they don't have enough money to get treatment. To own a clinic where you could help such people will be amazing.

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, just loved your thoughts:

I strongly believe in,
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for ä lifetime.

 3 years ago 

Thanks so much @kinzaghauri for your time and participation in this Contest. You really have a good plan of project if Steem lives well with us. My pleasure 😁

Was very impressed with the topic of contest. Couldn't have left without participating :D

 3 years ago

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to Fish and you feed him for ä lifetime.

You copy this sentence from this site,although it's a small sentence but i will suggest you that don't do it next time,try to write own original content.Thanks

I did its a quote. Should've given reference. My bad.
Will edit it rn

This was on purpose. I'll make sure to cite reference next time. Thank you for pointing it out

 3 years ago 


The kind of vision you have I'm pretty sure, the odds will work inyour favour as well. Because visions like these deserve to be a reality. More power to you

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