My favorite jasmine flower by @riska-amanda || steem future || April 26, 2021

in Steem Future3 years ago

Good evening my dear friend...!!!


Good evening dear friends wherever you are, how are you, so you must be in good condition right ?

As I am here, God willing, I am still in good condition at the time of writing this post, I pray 'I hope my friends are also in good condition, I can only say those words, because they are the most valuable words in this world is the prayer 'of our loved ones, therefore I am one of those people, every time we give thanks to the Almighty, may we always be in abundance of his grace and protection, Aamiin ...

On this happy night I want to write a post that is very valuable to me, hopefully it is valuable for all my friends, my post this time is about jasmine flowers, here I also present some pictures of jasmine flowers, because the beauty of the flowers arises my desire. to capture some pictures using my mobile phone Y12S the location is in my own home page.

Selamat malam sahabat tercinta di manapun kalian berada,apa kabar,so pasti dalam keadaan baik-baik saja kan ?

Seperti saya di sini Insya Allah masih dalam keadaan baik-baik saja di waktu menulis postingan ini,saya berdoa' semoga sahabat juga dalam keadaan baik-baik saja,hanya kata-kata itu saja yang bisa saya ucapkan, karena kata-kata yang paling berharga di dunia ini adalah doa' dari orang yang kita cintai,oleh karena itu saya adalah salah satu dari orang tersebut,setiap saat kita panjatkan puji syukur kepada sang maha khaliq semoga kita selalu dalam limpahan rahmat dan lindungannya ,Aamiin...

Pada malam yang berbahagia ini saya ingi menulis sebuah postingan yang sangat berharga bagi saya,mudah-mudahan berharga juga buat sahabatku semuanya,postingan saya pada kali ini tentang bunga melati,di sini saya juga menampilkan beberapa gambar bunga melati ,karna keelokan bunganya timbul keinginan saya untuk mengabadikan beberapa gambar dengan menggunakan ponsel saya Y12S lokasi di halama rumah saya sendiri.

flower photography


flower photography


flower photography


flower photography


flower photography


Oh ... your jasmine is beautiful, your color is radiant as white as the symbol of your love, the jasmine is very beautiful, fragrant, fragrant in the garden in front of my house, you are really the flower of my heart, those are some words from me to you, to my friends My friends, both far away and close, especially for my friends who are in the steem future community, as the night wore on, my cute fingers were still dancing around looking for letter by letter through type by typing which I then arranged to become a special string of words for our beloved friends, let's go back to our destination, this jasmine flower has lush stems, green leaves with small shapes add to its own beauty for anyone who looks at it.

Oh... bunga melati sungguh indah warnamu,putih berseri-seri seputih lambang cintamu,bunga melati yang sangat indah,harum semerbak mewangi di taman depan rumahku,kau sungguh bunga pujaan hatiku,itulah beberapa untaian kata-kata dariku untukmu,untuk sahabat-sahabatku baik yang jauh di sana maupun yang dekat ,terkhusus buat sahabatku yang ada di komunitas steem future ini,seiring malam semakin larut,jari-jari lentik ku masih senantiasa menari-nari mencari huruf demi huruf melalui ketikan demi ketikan yang kemudian aku susun hingga menjadi sebuah untaian kata-kata terkhusus untuk sahabat tercinta,baiklah kita kembali lagi ke tujuan kita,bunga melati ini memilki batang yang rimbun,daun hijau dengan bentuk keci-kecil menambah keindahan tersendiri bagi siapa saja yang memandangnya.

flower photography


flower photography


Photo TakenVivo Y12S
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App Editor-

This is my post tonight. Hopefully friends will provide support and opinions in the comments column.

I also want to thank the admin of the steem future @bhaiaslam community as well as the moderator @humaidi who has always worked hard for the progress of this community as well as for all friends, my greetings @ riska-amanda.

Demikianlah postingan saya pada malam hari ini semoga sahabat memberi dukungan dan pendapat di kolom komentar.

Saya juga ingin berterima kasih kepada Admin komunitas steem future @bhaiaslam juga kepada moderatornya @humaidi yang telah senantiasa bekerja keras untuk kemajuan komunitas ini juga untuk sahabat semua,salam saya @riska-amanda.

 3 years ago 

hello @riska-amanda

your flowers are very nice, and the colors are very bright, surely they are wild flowers, try posting #diarygame and telling the beauty of nature around you and thank you for sharing in the #steemfuture community


 3 years ago 

You are welcome,,😃

Dear @riskaamanda you prepared a very beautiful post. The pictures of flowers are beautiful.
You said well that jasmine roses play an important role in fragrance in our lives.
Your wording is extraordinary. You are very good self writer. Your photography is really very attractive

thank my friend

 3 years ago 

Flowers are very beautiful and the way you tell them is very wise, thanks to you friends

thank you for the compliment, and thank you for visiting my blog, greetings @riska-amanda

 3 years ago 

beautiful flowers @riska-amanda

Thank you

 3 years ago 

Please use only the English language.
Dear, This is a nice post and I suggest you share more diaries in this community. A post is called a diary post in which shares the full story of the day. So, share more diaries with us and share your daily life stories in this community.

I'm sorry for my mistake, thanks for the information, friend, I'll try to post in English

 3 years ago 

I like jasmine too @riska-amanda, beautiful photography!


Yours post is so beautiful. I like flowers .


Nice photography and I am very happy to see this natural flower. Keep sharing your activities brother

Many thanks

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