Photography Contest week1, Steem Future || Natural Scenery in the Yard Where I Live ||

in Steem Future3 years ago


Good evening friends, how are you all, hopefully all of us will be given health and long life by the almighty God so that we can meet at any time, my warm greetings to all of you wherever you are, my respect to @bhaihaslam as admin in this community and all the moderators who have worked hard for the progress of this community, hopefully it will be more advanced in the future, Aminn. On this very happy night I want to finish the contest in the Steem Future community, this is my third post, there is still one more post and I'll finish tomorrow.

This is my contest regarding photography, namely the natural scenery on the page where I live, you can see it below, I will show you some pictures about the beauty of the scene!


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography


Original Photography

Photo TakenOppo A71
LocationNorth Aceh - Indonesia
App EditorInshot APK

I took a photo in front of my house in Teungoh Village, Syamtalira Aron sub-district, North Aceh district, I took the picture in the afternoon when the sun was almost setting, look and see, is the view beautiful? I wait for the answer in the comments column, I hope my friends will reply, I found this scene when I went out of the house to buy cooking oil my mother told me to, when I left I didn't see the view but I saw it when I got home, my position when taking pictures in front of the house, when I saw him I immediately stopped my motorbike and took my cellphone to take a picture of the scene. I didn't take many pictures, I only took a few photos and went home to take Mom's order.

that's all my post for the contest, thanks to admin @bhaihaslan and all the moderators who work hard for the progress of this community.

Best regards @rifki1, Wassalam !!

 3 years ago 

very nice view, and very beautiful, thank you for participating in this contest, hope you win

 3 years ago 

Thank you for your support

a very beautiful view of the clouds flying as if to add to the charm of the scenery in the sky

 3 years ago 

Thank you for the criticism.

Its very good to shot the nature and you did it very well. Your photography is really appreciating. Keep it up, read other members posts and become more skilled.

 3 years ago 

Of course friends, thanks for the comments.

 3 years ago 

rifki1 (52)

Your photography is really beautiful like a professional photographer thanks for participating in this contract

 3 years ago 


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