Day Dreammers

in Helpage India3 years ago

Dreams to be seen in naked eyes.

Friends, this is my way of looking at dreams and I know it sounds a little un-appropriate.

As dreams come when we sleep, they may be good or bad. Sometimes we remember the dream we had in sleep and start thinking why I saw that dream.

In the dream in sleep we can reach anywhere may it be on earth or sky or even under the ground. Most of the time these dreams are not true.
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I like to see the dream in naked eyes as these dreams are so true. Sometimes some of my friends told me that you are a Day Dreamer.

When I was young I was dreaming of playing serious football games in the first division for Calcutta Football league.

My coaches used to tell me to pursue my dream I have to train hard. Having a dream and transforming it into reality takes a lot of physical, mental, and other pain.
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Initially, I was lethargic and truly a daydreamer but gradually understood that I had to work hard to fulfil this dream and at last played for First Division league, though, the time was short for injury.

But one benefit I got, that, I started dreaming in naked eyes.

I started understanding that if you want to make your dream, in reality, start dreaming the reality. Start writing your dreams anywhere, where you can see the writing.

I post it in washroom mirrors, where I can see my face every day while brushing my teeth. I know many people also do that.

As I have stated earlier, that, I had joined the current profession in the lowest post of employment.

Initially, I was not liking the profession as it was by force rather than by choice. I was hesitant to continue the profession, then looking up to my seniors I started daydreaming again.

I started thinking that I can grow laterally than horizontally. Again my first football coach's advice started whispering in my ears, that. I have to work hard and smart to reach my dream.

Slowly and gradually I pursued my dream seen in naked eyes and started reaching in different senior positions.

Currently, I am chasing another dream to form my own company and to give employment to some unemployed youth.

I always love the quote that our former President of India used to say “Dreams are not which can be seen in sleep, Dreams are those which will not allow you to sleep”

 3 years ago 

tumi football khelte kolkata team good .thanks for share your experience.

 3 years ago 

Day dreamers good. But ami tho jantam sobai ratei sopno dekhe. Jaihok valo likhesen.

 3 years ago 

@lother68 আপনি খুব সুন্দর লেখেন। আপনার অভিজ্ঞতা শেয়ার করার জন্য ধন্যবাদ। সাবধানে থাকবেন।

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