My Best Online Purchase : Buying Used Front Load Washing Machine

in SteemitContest2 years ago

Buying Used Front Load Washing

Hello all, it is me @majanan from Indonesia

At this time I will tell you about my washing machine. I once had a top load and front load washing machine. The results of my review, for a frontload washing machine, the price is expensive and there must be a water reservoir, but the advantages are that it washes faster, has a higher dryness rate and is more water efficient. The effect is significantly lower electricity and water bills.


For a top load washing machine, the engine power is indeed very cheap compared to the frontload and does not require a water reservoir (having a reservoir is also better). But it takes a lot of water to wash, takes longer and is less dry than a frontload washing machine. As a result, the electricity bill is much higher than a frontload washing machine.
With such a comparison, I now prefer a front load washing machine, because even though it is expensive, its operating costs are cheaper than a top load washing machine.
When my washing machine broke down in November 2021, then I looked for a used front load washing machine on Facebook marketplace. There so many offer and finally I found one offer which looks interesting to grab. The price of the washing machine is offered at a price of around 80 dollars. Finally I went to the seller of the machine at his house out of town. The washing machine is in good condition, but requires additional service. Finally I bought it for 120 dollars and I spent about 30 dollars for service and finally this washing machine is working again well.
That's my story. Thank you do much for your visit and support.
For my friends @moankara and @yoedie, I invite you all to join this contest.

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