Object Of The Week Contest #30 - Kitty's Keys

Hello everyone. Welcome to a new week of this very entertaining and exciting contest - Object Of The Week #30. This contest is hosted by the lovely @strecoza and you can read all about this contest in the link here. Read up about this and join us in the fun. We will be waiting for you!

The object of this week is:


I have been searching my archives for some interesting photos of this week's object but up till tonight, with only 2 more days remaining before the contest deadline, I could not find any. Of course there are a lot of keys in the house but I wanted a nice and unique presentation that would make a good impression on our host, @strecoza, and the other readers. In desperation, I asked my wife if she had any unusual door keys that I could use for the contest. She reminded me that we have a key holder in the room beside the bedroom door. She asked me to check it out if it can help. And so I did. And to my surprise, there it was with all the keys to the different doors of the house. How could I miss not seeing it?


I have gotten so used to this key holder that over the years I no longer took notice of it and eventually forgot it ever existed. Does this happen to you as well?

So I began taking photos of the different keys in the holder, which I have now named Kitty's Keys.




In the last photo above, I noticed the keychain that was attached to one of the keys and I remember how this can so apply with the situation in Ukraine. Here is a close up of the keychain.


To all the brave people of Ukraine, "STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH . . . BE STRONG".

All for now. Keep safe everyone and may peace be with you all.

(All photos are mine.)


You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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