#club50 | Concurso Pronósticos Liga LVBP Edición # 4 por @adri78 | Liga LVBP Predictions Contest Edition # 4 by @adri78 | C/Steem Baseball⚾

in Steem Baseball⚾3 years ago

Hola chicos y chicas amantes del béisbol 🧡 el día de hoy les presento mis pronósticos para la Liga Venezolana de Béisbol Profesional (LVBP)

Hi guys and girls baseball lovers 🧡 today I present my predictions for the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League (LVBP)

Steem Baseball Community

imagen editada en canvasfuente de la imagen
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif

Mis amores, he llegado a lo que más me gusta, participar en estos grandes pronósticos que nos dan la oportunidad de participar por fabulosos premios. Ya tengo preparados mis pronósticos y los expondré a continuación, pero antes déjenme decirles que el 15% de este contenido está montado con el 15% para la cuenta de curación @steembaseball..

My loves, I have come to what I like the most, to participate in these great predictions that give us the opportunity to participate for fabulous prizes. I have already prepared my predictions and I will expose them below, but first let me tell you that 15% of this content is mounted with 15% for the healing account @steembaseball..


# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif

# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif

# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (14).gif

# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif

Utilizaré este espacio para activar 0,657 SBD procedentes de un pago en mi cartera y mantener mi cuenta al 100% de Power Up, para ello realizaré la compra de 7.340 STEEM en el mercado.

I will use this space to activate 0.657 SBD from a payment in my portfolio and keep my account at 100% Power Up by purchasing 7,340 STEEM in the market.

# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif



# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (17).gif
# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif

Háblanos sobre el gran Manager Pompeyo Davalillo

Tell us about the great Manager Pompeyo Davalillo


# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif

El criollo Pompeyo Davalillo, fue un icono representativo del EDO Zulia fue un ejemplo de superación, ya que demostró ser una gran estrella en este maravilloso deporte como es el béisbol, siendo el primer venezolano en las grandes ligas representando a Venezuela en los Estados Unidos de América.

The Creole Pompeyo Davalillo, was a representative icon of EDO Zulia was an example of overcoming, as he proved to be a great star in this wonderful sport such as baseball, being the first Venezuelan in the big leagues representing Venezuela in the United States of America.

Durante su carrera fue un excelente compañero como jugador y como mánager y fue capaz de dirigir diferentes equipos de la Liga Venezolana de Béisbol Profesional (LVBP), con un alto nivel de instrucción que impulsó a muchos jugadores a llegar a las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol (MLB), fue honrado y digno de admiración en todo el mundo.

During his career he was an excellent teammate as a player and as a manager and was able to manage different teams in the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League (LVBP), with a high level of instruction that propelled many players to reach the Major League Baseball (MLB), he was honored and worthy of admiration around the world.

# Hello my beautiful people of this great GEMS community 👋🏼 greetings from your long time friend fucho34 (15).gif

Ahora invitaré a cuatro (4) amigas a participar en este concurso, @omjng, @mjva, @jhalysp, @yusely21, las estamos esperando.

Now I will invite four (4) friends to participate in this contest, @omjng, @mjva, @jhalysp, @yusely21, we are waiting for them.

Terminado mi concurso y encendido, solo me queda despedirme y desearles lo mejor del mundo, nos vemos en un próximo encuentro.

With my contest over and turned on, it only remains for me to say goodbye and wish you the best in the world, see you at the next meeting.

Buena suerte para todos / Good luck to all


 3 years ago 

Gracias por participar

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