Reaching the goal

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello dear friends!

We are close to the end of the 2020-2021 school year, particularly in my son's school, a first grader, we are preparing everything for the closing of the third moment where we will gather all the projects done in this school year and we are only focusing on reinforcing the knowledge acquired, that is why I want to highlight in this post the work done by parents in the education of their children from home.

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Among the many changes we have experienced in our homes this past year, one of great relevance has been the transfer of school activities entirely to our homes, this situation has highlighted several important aspects, including that the teaching process requires prior training, as many parents have had to face difficulties for not having adequate strategies, do not have the facility to express themselves or have little understanding of the methods to be used.

I have had the opportunity to talk with several mothers, who have been very disoriented and worried about not being able to help their children with their homework because they often do not understand the activities assigned to them, this is due to the fact that without expecting it, parents had to assume the responsibility of teaching their children, and if they do not have a level of education that allows them to guide their children, solve doubts together, and look for information, it is a very difficult task.

On the other hand, accompanying and supervising the children's homework for many is another limitation, since some parents work from home and dedicate many hours to their work obligations and others have to go out to their jobs despite the situation, so their children have to develop their activities alone without the necessary company and help.

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Additionally, parents had to provide their children with the necessary technological resources, internet access, computers, phones, tablets and not everyone has the same possibilities. In several schools they have chosen to conduct classes by video calls, others by sending the study guide by whatsapp, and for those who do not have the resources they choose to develop bulletin boards where parents can copy and take pictures of the activities to be performed, observing an inequality.

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Now, in function to this we see how the family became an important part to be able to continue with the teaching process, and where parents have put their greatest effort for the sake of their children, they strive to present the daily tasks for the group for example, they carry out all their activities, they elaborate their projects with great creativity.

Today, parents and schools must work together to create strategies and design plans to obtain better results and address these types of problems that may arise. The school should not only accompany the student but also the parents, since for many the impact has been very great. The school and the family should not be distanced, they should share the responsibility and even more so at this time, taking into consideration the need for training for parents as well as teachers to continue working under the distance modality.

However, although it has not been an easy challenge that we as parents have taken on, it is important to recognize the leading role of the family in the learning process, which has allowed us to move forward maintaining harmony, patience, dedication, love for our children and thus culminating another stage.

Until next time, thanks for reading!


This process that we as parents have lived through has been difficult, many of us have the technological tools and facilities but I think of those who do not, this has definitely turned the routines of the homes and lives of all, in my experience it has been good, thank God for all the resources and our studies, but it has been exhausting.
thank you for sharing

Hello @joseph1956!
How nice that you have had the opportunity to help your son, it really is a bit exhausting sometimes, especially with the projects, but at the same time it is a unique experience that we should take advantage of to share more time with them. Thanks for commenting, greetings!

 3 years ago 

For some parents it has not been easy and neither has it been easy for some children, but in spite of that, all together somehow we have moved forward between teachers, children and parents we have achieved things that before the pandemic had not been achieved, we are about to finish a school year, now we have to wait what will happen with the next one.

Hello @lanzjoseg!
Yes, together we have made progress and we have done our best to continue with the education of our children, that is the most important thing and there will be many lessons learned from this experience. Thank you for commenting, greetings!

Hi friends.
we must educate our children well and more, for these only give them life, those the art of living well.
It is the supreme art of the parent to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.

Hello @benie111!
It is up to us to educate our children well, to foster in them habits and values that will allow them to make good decisions and be good people. Greetings!

It is undeniable the importance of parents in the education of children at all times, but especially since last year when in our homes we had to assume not only the role of parents but also that of educators. It has not been easy but step by step we have made great strides in the path of formation of children and young people that has been possible thanks to the intervention of parents.

Hello @emimoron!
That's right, step by step we have overcome the trials and obstacles that have been presented to achieve the good of our children and to continue their education despite the circumstances and that the changes for them are not so drastic, looking for the best way to encourage and educate them. Thank you for commenting, greetings!

this last year has been very challenging for all of us and it is as you make clear in your publication, we have had to look for ways to help the most disadvantaged such as the children at the educational level, it is good that we have found a balance between school and home, so that together we can reach our goal.

greetings dear friend @yusvelasquez

Hello @yongleantonio!
At first, the truth was not very much in agreement with following this modality with my son so young however, as you say we managed to find a balance between school and family and that has favored us and allowed us to move forward for the good of our children despite the circumstances. Thanks for commenting, greetings!

Hi dear friends @yusvelasquez

bulletin boards where parents can copy and take pictures of the activities to be performed, observing an inequality.

Inequality in the world is a reality, a few years ago a political group planted in the USA that a person who will not earn more than 100,000 dollars a month should not have children, but it is complicated many want to have many children and that others solve their problems, a child is an expense and a huge responsibility and education is the responsibility of the father, it is a complicated issue

Hi friend @ramsesuchiha!
You are very right when you comment that a child is a responsibility, so despite the circumstances we do everything possible for their well being and education, it makes us feel very good to be able to guide and help them to achieve their goals. Thanks for commenting, best regards!

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