How sharing feelings and thoughts can help us

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello friends!

Perhaps at some point you have heard the phrase that says "every day has its own eagerness" and certainly every day is an opportunity to live new experiences, experiences and situations that can be considered as positive or sometimes negative, and it is the latter that can lead us to think that in life things happen to us that nobody else happens to them, or that the problem or circumstance that we are going through is bigger than ourselves and that prevents us from finding an immediate solution, which can also fill our mind with many thoughts and feelings that do not allow us to be calm and at peace despite the storm.


When we are filled with these thoughts we become mentally and emotionally tired, we can spend hours and hours on the same spot, with less and less energy and more and more frustration.

For many people at these times it can be very beneficial to be alone, to isolate themselves from everything to find peace again, or perhaps to spend time meditating, to establish an inner dialogue and thus find the answers they are looking for and the light that continues to illuminate the path. Maintaining self-confidence will allow us to face adversity and in the course of life to use the lessons learned from each obstacle overcome and to maintain positive energies that help us to see in the negative something new to learn in order to continue with more strength.

However, there are times when we may feel the need to share our thoughts and feelings, and it can be beneficial, as sometimes talking and having someone by our side to listen to us can help us to see beyond the situation, find possible ways out, improve our mood or simply feel that we are not alone and that we can count on a helping hand, feel the confidence to express ourselves, and this is a good way to maintain our physical and mental health.


In these cases it is good to seek support from people who we know will really listen to us, who can dedicate their valuable time to us or whose company and support is simply good for us. A person who loves us will be willing to listen, help and understand, which will allow us to feel more confident and free to tell them what is going on. Perhaps we are only looking for people who do not pass judgement or give opinions and that the shared moments such as a pleasant chat, a walk, sharing a cup of coffee will recharge positive energies and allow us to see things differently.


It is important to recognise that even if we are very strong, sometimes our energies diminish and we must look for ways to recharge them and not give up. We must always look for what adds and not subtract, we must surround ourselves with positive people, who listen to us and the most important thing is to ask for help when necessary, not to shut ourselves up with our problems because nothing is forever and everything passes, as long as we are alive we can find a solution.

Well friends, for the moment I say goodbye, wishing you lots of success, thanks for reading!


Talking to someone and sharing thoughts that have been cycling in your mind can be very useful. As you mentioned, it's important that such a person loves you and would not be judgemental, but simply listen and provide support. Interesting read.

Hello @creativeinsight!
Certainly sometimes we don't need someone to make us feel worse with their opinions but just to listen to us, accompany us and support us, that is a great help and are moments where relationships are strengthened and you know who you really count on. Thank you for your comment

Hi friend @yusvelasquez.

There are times when we may feel the need to share our thoughts and feelings, and it can be beneficial, as sometimes talking and having someone by our side to listen to us can help us see beyond the situation, find possible ways out.

What you express is totally true and we should always keep this in mind. Thank you for such a lovely reading. Best regards.

Hi friend @rbalzan79!
Thank you for your comment, certainly at such times it is beneficial to have someone by our side and supportive.

holding your feelings to yourself works when you have the solution, this doesn't always happen and many times, the best practice is to share.

Hello @joelagbo!
Expressing what we feel and think often helps us to see the situation better and find the solution, that's why we have to maintain good relationships, surround ourselves with positive people and also support others. Thank you for your comment

I liked the post for containing messages of hope for those who read it. Thank you

Hello @gustavomory2!
Thanks to you for stopping by to read, it's always good to keep hope alive.

Hi, friend.

Being able to share with a friend, talk and express what our thoughts are can be very helpful, because that person can guide us to continue expanding our thoughts and make good use of what is being thought

Thanks for your article.


Sharing of feeling can be therapeutic and can help us moving ahead. It also helps to overcome difficult situations,
However it is not always easy to share our innermost thoughts and communicate with others.
This can be a challenge at times

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