Habits that feed our insecurity

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Greetings friends of this great community. There are some ways of living that are damaging our self-esteem.

There are destructive thought habits that can dominate our mind. Source: image edited by @yusvelasquez, original from pixabay.com

Just as we all have positive attitudes and abilities, we also have weaknesses and imperfections among our virtues, but generally, our defects do not represent any problem since it is something innate in the human being. What is a problem is when our perception of those defects and weaknesses generates insecurity that keeps us in fear, keeping us confined to a very small comfort zone.

Unfortunately, this insecurity is something we unconsciously internalize as we become accustomed to a form of interaction with other people and the environment in which we operate. And the thinking habits that generate this insecurity can come to dominate our mind, telling us lies about our own personality that make us feel foolish, bored or inadequate.

These cracks in our self-esteem do not appear suddenly and just because they do, they depend largely on experiences we go through and sometimes generate ourselves. But don't worry, just as we learn them with certain habits, it is also possible that we can unlearn them until they are small enough not to affect us too much. It will be impossible to eradicate them completely, since our emotional memory can hardly be erased; but that doesn't matter, since our mental health is about being functional, not about being perfect.

You can be your own worst enemy. Source: image edited by @yusvelasquez, original from pxhere.com.

And what habits intensify our insecurity?

These are some of the most common habits that fuel our insecurity:

  • Maintaining a relationship of dependence

We all know that there are relationships with other people that can be very harmful during the time we have them, especially when they are very prolonged, and these are not only limited to the romantic realm, many people, faced with the idea of abandonment are willing to endure almost anything. Generally, in these toxic relationships they are associated with couples, where there is one person who dominates and another who is dependent, and many times to maintain the state of dependence, the dominant person uses many formulas to feed the insecurities of the other, for example, not taking their proposals seriously, ridicule their achievements or make them feel incapable of being alone.

It is important to investigate the reasons that drive us to fill that strong need for emotional bonding with another, even if it is not a healthy relationship.

  • Idealized comparisons

This is perhaps one of the habits most closely related to insecurity. In this world of appearances, it is difficult not to compare yourself with others. The problem is that many times we compare ourselves with people who really do not exist, for example when we want to reach the standard of beauty imposed by the great figures of the media; these are very "filtered" and "retouched" representations of real characters that are made for a social network and where they only intend to highlight the image they want to sell, and do not show what can be perceived as a personal flaw.
That is why it is very important to be aware of the existence of these filters and fictitious representations created by marketing, in order to avoid our self-concept from being dependent on a mirage.

  • Do not confront stressful situations

There are many people who at the slightest sign that a stressful event may occur, try by all possible means to escape that situation. But precisely, facing those situations is something positive, and sometimes necessary, since only by overcoming challenges and adversities is that the opportunities for our situation to improve are produced. Otherwise we run the risk of getting used to a dynamic that generates insecurities, prioritizing the fear of leaving the comfort zone in order to justify passivity, a typical thought: "I don't need to apply for that position, it is very likely that I will be rejected".

Keeping a low profile, without showing any kind of ambition, will only keep us tied to the fear of not being good enough to achieve what we would like to achieve.

  • Mind reading

Yes, that habit is exactly what it sounds like: believing that you know what other people are thinking, letting your fears put thoughts of judgment and negative evaluations about you in the heads of others will only intensify your insecurity; we must assume that there is no way to know what others will think about us until we act or talk to them.

  • Personalization

This habit of assuming that any behavior of others has something to do with you is a way of feeding your fears. For example, thinking that if our boss is in a bad mood it must be because of something I did wrong, or something very common, if the relationship didn't work out it's because "I'm not good enough for that person". This kind of thinking can only inevitably end up in the dead end of self-blame.

Insecurity is, fundamentally, the doubt about yourself, about your competence, courage and performance. Many insecure people try to deal with their fears by trying to get everyone to like them, acting so well that they can never be criticized, which is certainly an emotional drain.

How we value ourselves depends on how we interact with others; their opinions should not become our reality. Source: pixabay.com.

If you want to inoculate yourself with unsafe thoughts, prepare for the doubts and problems, set realistic expectations and act as you would like to feel, and you will gradually get rid of those thoughts.

Well friends, as we see, our way of valuing ourselves depends mainly on how we interact with the people around us. It is important to keep this in mind so that we don't assume that insecurities are born from within ourselves in an isolated way, as if they were part of your essence. See you next time!


Hello greetings:
Insecurity is a monster that comes hand in hand with anxiety, and the advice that you offer is quite useful.
Personally, for all the years that I have been dealing with these problems, I can tell you that the best change that can be made is to have a positive attitude and surround yourself with people who add, so you can have a healthy scenario and things will go away. good.

Solid reading.

He really is a monster who owes you, and yes, the best thing you can do is keep a positive attitude and keep away from you anyone who comes to take away your peace.

There are ways of thinking that really play against us, limiting our actions and inhibiting our personal development. A great reflection @yusvelasquez.

Hello friend, what a good article leads us to reflect, because possibly some of us go through some of these situations you mention. Without a doubt we must believe in ourselves and cultivate a positive and proactive attitude towards any situation that may arise.

See you later, have an excellent week!

Thanks for your comment friend @amestyj, really many people in certain circumstances go through it, cultivate a positive attitude is the best solution

Hello @yuvelasquez.

An extraordinary content that you share in this opportunity, so it is important to highlight what you express:

As we all have positive attitudes and abilities, we also have weaknesses and imperfections among our virtues, but in general, our defects do not represent any problem since it is something innate in the human being. What is a problem is when our perception of those defects and weaknesses generates insecurity that keeps us in fear, keeping us confined to a very small comfort zone.

The above described allows us a proper understanding of the subject matter actually enjoy reading your article.

Thank you for sharing such an interesting article with all of us. Successes.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Thanks to you friend @rbalzan79 for coming by to read, I'm glad you enjoyed it. My regards.

 4 years ago 

Dear @yusvelasquez

Interesting choice of topic. I've always considered insecurity to be one of most negative emotions. And I think that people who control emotions (or are greatly lacking them) are dealing much better with feeling insecure than those who are very emotional. Wouldn't you agre?

One thing I've learned is that it helps to know how to EMBRACE FAILURES in our life. I've failed so many times in so many ways. And once I've learned that failure is part of life, which is bringing most experience -> I've changed my approach to everything I do. Unfortunatelly, majority of human population seem to FEAR to fail. And that's also where insecurity is coming from.

ps. try to invest some time to read and reply to comments. not engaging back does usually end up with people losing interests in your content and you will start losing your readers.

Solid read. Upvoted already.

Have a great monday ahead,
Yours, Piotr

Hello dear @crypto.piotr. Thank you for your solid commentary. No doubt the fear of failure stops us in many ways, my husband has a similar thought, he always says "I didn't fail, I found a way not to", always the positive attitude gives us courage to try new things.

And very atent on your recommendation, I will pay more attention to it.

Thank you for coming by and reading. A warm regards!

Hello @yusvelasquez, very lovely publication. I understand there is a position for inner peace and self believe the moment these two factors are missed, it creates room for self doubt and weakness which eventually results in unhealthy competition.

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