Family school holidays

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hello friends

As we know during the holiday season children have more time for different entertainment and fun activities, however, it is possible that most of the time they can not have the company of their parents and family, as they must devote themselves to their work and do not coincide with their free time, which is why they may be even more inclined to use technological equipment such as phones, tablets and spend a lot of time glued to the screens.


It is true that nowadays most children master these devices from a very early age and love to spend hours and hours playing, and that they can be a good way for learning when used in the right way and at the right age, but using them for a long time is not recommended.

It is important to take advantage of the holidays to share with children, as they look forward to them with great enthusiasm. It is important to find space for activities with family and friends that allow them to disconnect from screens, experience new experiences that contribute to their growth and wellbeing.


A happy holiday sometimes does not mean having to leave the house every day or going on a trip, as this can involve a lot of expense. However, there are many activities that can be shared that will be etched in their memories and on their happy faces.

Spending quality time playing in the playground, exercising or playing sports as a family can bring many benefits, improve mood, develop their skills, develop their abilities, develop their skills, get to know their favourite games and make a greater connection.


If you have more time, you can search for videos, tutorials that guide them on how to make some crafts according to their tastes, where they can develop creativity, imagination and family fun, as well as share a board game such as chess, cards and others and spend fun moments.

Going for a walk, to a nearby park, walking the pet, having contact with nature and contemplating the landscape can be very calming.


It is also very common for children to go out and play with children who live nearby, this will allow them to develop their social skills, form friendships, and enhance other areas.

Cooking as a family is great fun, many benefits of good nutrition can be taught, and all members can participate and enjoy their favourite foods and desserts.


Visiting family members such as aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, friends, etc. will recharge energy and strengthen relationships.

Sometimes it is also beneficial to let the children get bored at home, this will encourage creativity, to find their own motivation to do something they like, or to discover their ability in something they did not know, and curiosity will lead them to discover new things.

As we see the holidays are a good time to share, for children to continue learning and experiencing new experiences that motivate them, stimulate them and keep memories throughout their lives and not only spend their days connected with video games and technology, it is important that they stay active for their physical, mental and emotional health, so parents face a great challenge to maintain a balance.

Well friends, so much for this post, thanks for reading!


I also share the fact that school vacations are an opportunity to get closer to our children and share with them.

Greetings and thank you for sharing such an important post.

Hello @sandracarrascal!
Thank you for your comment. We should take advantage of this valuable time and share experiences that will strengthen relationships. Regards

As we can see, vacations are a good time to share, for children to continue learning and living new experiences that motivate, stimulate and keep memories throughout their lives and not only spend their days connected to video games and technology.

You are absolutely right dear friend, these moments make us share as a family and remind us of who we really are. Thank you for such wonderful content. Greetings.

Hello @rbalzan79!
Certainly in the holidays you can share with your family, and they are moments that allow a greater connection between everyone and enjoy many moments that should be made the most of.

Hi friend
Outdoor activity and bonding with fellow humans is an essential part of growing up and learning new skills.
If it can keep children off the screens for a while it is a definitive plus .

Hello friend!
Outdoor activities, games and sharing are very important in their development, that's why we must take advantage of these holiday moments and not only limit them to technology as you rightly point out, thank you for your comment.

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