Project Hope competition #2 for all content creators

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Good afternoon friends of @ project.hope. I found this contest interesting and after reflecting on the phrase that our friends @ juanmolina and @ josevas217 @ crypto-piotr propose to us, To participate in this contest this is the link:


"Education manufactures machines that act like men and produces men who act like machines. Erich Fromm."

I make my analysis of the subject. Hope you like.

Education is very important in the life of human beings, from it we learn values, concepts, procedures that help us to know and do a certain task, thus solving a certain problem or situation, which is positive for humanity, But what happens when formal education, which is the one that we are taught in official places such as schools, universities, is responsible for establishing ideologies that are shaping the human being, thus achieving that it behaves as planned, leaving behind its values and rights in many cases?

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Well, I will answer this through the conclusions given during my university years, I remember the words of my professor of Sociology of Education (I do not remember her name) when she said: “formal education is an ideology imposed so that you act as you are supposed to act, it is clearly directed by the politics and political plans of a nation, it is inclined to do so and it stated categorically that education is political and will never be separated from it. "

Formal education is ideologization and modeling

An example of this is agriculture, according to each nation agricultural policies are established and the university is in charge of modeling agronomists for this purpose, and he will respond to what he was taught by doing what he was told to do and in many cases to the detriment of nature, since they sometimes advise certain products that are harmful to the soil and well, the engineer uses the product because he learned it that way, and thus damages the environment.
Therefore the statement that "education (formal) produces men who act like machines", but that will depend on each student and their level of reflection, values ​​and non-formal education that they have; and it is necessary to make the separation between formal and non-formal education since it has different purposes.

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Regarding the assertion that "education manufactures machines that act like men" because if through the education of science and technology machines have been generated capable of reducing processes, lowering costs and every day bringing that technology closer to the rational It is what we all call progress and if I agree with science and technology as long as it respects life and human capacity.

Efficient technology is a way of helping human beings, however, when it comes to totally replacing the human being to make use of machines, only there would have to open a debate because in everything there must be a balance.

By way of conclusion I can state that when the human being loses his ability to think for himself, his values ​​to do something that lowers him as a person there becomes a machine, and when someone wants to displace the human figure from a job to give him I only go to the machines, there the machine becomes a human, so it is vitally important to separate formal education from non-formal, so as not to fall into contradictions. Education is the most precious asset of every human being.

Thank you very much for reading me.



Hello @yulirosario27
Interesting proposal that you have shared in this publication. And very accurate the sentence of your teacher. That is something that many people do not manage to make aware of, and simply fall into the political game of the imposed study plans. The best thing is to be aware of this.
Thank you very much for participating.

así es, muchas gracias por tu apoyo!!

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