Attitudes You Need To Be A Good Entrepreneur

in Project HOPE4 years ago
Greetings dear fellow members of the "Project Hope" community, it is a pleasure to share with you this post, this time I want to present a topic that I consider very important, entrepreneurship, so I wanted to analyze the attitudes that are necessary to be a good entrepreneur and achieve success.

In my country, Venezuela, in recent years entrepreneurship has increased, from my point of view is one of the positive aspects that has brought the economic crisis in which we have been immersed. So I think that the information that I present here could be useful, starting a business requires many demands and we must be prepared to face this challenge, here I present a guide for all those people who are thinking of starting this.

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Let's start!
It is important to know that an entrepreneur is an individual who has the decision and initiative to establish and develop a company or business. This type of person should have certain attitudes that make it easier to achieve their goals among these of course the success in their business.

Here are some attitudes that you need to be a good entrepreneur:

1. Be optimistic: having the tendency to see things in their most favorable and constructive aspect, will help you overcome the obstacles and frustrations that may arise on the road to success.

2.To have self-confidence:manifesting self-confidence motivates others to believe in you.

3. Be flexible: the continuous and eventual economic changes that arise force you to adapt quickly to what happens, you must be receptive and not put resistance but on the contrary strengthen creativity in the search for solutions.

4. Be resilient: it is essential that you develop the ability to adapt to unfavorable situations and find in them the positive aspects, continue your efforts over time, overcoming difficulties and without getting discouraged. You must consider that you will always have disappointments but you must be able to recover quickly and take what happens as a challenge.

5. Know how to handle stress: it is important to face problems quickly but you should not think about it insistently, you should establish priorities, make a good use of time, perform relaxing activities, all this in order to avoid stressful situations.

6.Be sociable:it is essential to be communicative, accessible, friendly, this will provide you with ideas and learning, will promote business contacts, you must develop the ability to listen to the opinions of others.

7. Be credible: it is essential to inspire confidence, and have a good reputation, for this you must possess values such as honesty, integrity, responsibility, that your actions correspond to your words.

8. Be a leader: teach by example, motivate your team positively, and communicate effectively so that everyone works with enthusiasm in achieving the objectives.

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Finally, I would like to emphasize that entrepreneurship is the best way to grow economically, achieve independence and have a quality of life according to our expectations, so I believe that developing attitudes and skills that allow us to become a great entrepreneur have much value ... thanks for reading!


Hello! I’m from Venezuela too and I know that a lot of venezuelans had to go to a entrepreneurship to overcome the hard situation that we are living here. This has revealed a lot of good entrepreneurs, people that were impulsed to open their minds and look for options to succeed in any condition. I think this is one of the few good things that the crisis brought us.

Hello @zmoreno I'm glad you agree with me, positive things can also come out of a crisis, and although I want our country to be reborn soon, what we have learned will help us to value things even more...greetings!

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