Setting goals for myself and sticking to them!

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello HODLers, Hello Lions,

I just wanted to share with you that I have stopped smoking for the past 14 months.


It was very easy but it wasn't also impossible; thanks to a book that helped me a lot to change my view on the cigaret.

A view that was advertised and pushed into my brain without me being 100% aware of it.



I saved more than 2 000 euros and even if I do not feel like I am richer than last year, I probably invested those in crypto or in presents for my family. So a positive overall, at least I am not paying to die !

N.B.: Everybody can stop smoking, comment if you would really like to stop and I will share with you what worked with me.


The journey is not over

I am quite happy about it and unfortunately I have been battling with another addiction that I will share soon as I am sure many other Hiveans or Leofinance users might be confronted to it.

In life, as in crypto, people we set themselves goals succeed. The ones that wonder around achieve much less.

I have seen many of my fellow bloggers achieve those by slowsly grinding and investing in different projects shared on such as Thorchain, BNB, etc...

And guess who did not? Yes you got it, @vlemon

This has been a fun ride and I am getting back on top. It will take time, I know but I am up for the task. Slowly, slowly grinding up and taking back control.

That's all, crypto is moving up, CUB is also bouncing back and I wish you all a great sunday evening.


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Hello @vlemon
Yes, cryptos are grabbing a breather, I hope they keep going up and I can have a good profitability, I have been doing Hold of some tokens that just now are already giving me some profitability, luckily.
I congratulate you for quitting smoking and offering to help those who do, luckily I never took that cigarette vice, I never liked it. But I know it's not easy for most people to quit once they have the habit, so I'm sure you put a lot of effort into it. Congratulations on that accomplishment.

Thank you, it is nice to feel better about yourself once you know you got out of an addiction.

I guess this is the beginning of the journey to become a better person ! :D

It's always difficult for people to quit smoking after been into it. And seeing you quit it, I am super happy with you.

Definitely your journey to becoming a more better person start from that

Good day, @vlemon!

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