How I got scammed with a Metamon clone!

in Project HOPE3 years ago (edited)

Hello HODLers,

Well, even if I am usually really careful, sometimes as a human being I can let my guard down.

This is what happened to ma few days ago. I got scammed for a small amount of money so I am okay but I still felt disturbed and quite ashamed to have felt for this.

The story

Logging into one of my mobile dapp to check my BSC projects, I noticed Metamon was featured.

Metamon is a real project on the Binance Smart Chain which basically copied Axie Infinity.


I checked the market cap and the company/team behind called Radio Caca. They have their own token $RACA which has been performing well since the game went into beta.



The mistake...

As I started to watch videos and thinking the game was quite cool, I just thought let's invest a few $$$ to start and see how I like it.

I went on twitter to get some information and clicked on this Twitter Bio.


This is NOT the official twitter account of Radio Caca

After digging a bit more I decided to click on the PancakeSwap link to buy some in game currency.

Then I was taken to the real pancakeswap website:


I wanted to play Metamon so I did not pay attention to this metamon token. Which does not exist.

I bought 40$ worth of this token in one transaction (the other I bought $RACA with other funds fortunately).

Long story short: this token does not exist and once you buy it, I cannot actually sell it back for whatever BNB I put in.

Always double check the twitter accounts, I thought this one was leggit but it was a scam which is still live on twitter. I reported it twice but I guess more people need to.

Also, I decided not to invest in this game once I realized to play I basically needed to buy a metamon and the cheapest were 5-7k$ ! Seriously? 5k to play a browser game? You must be kidding me...

Stay safe out there, scammers are everywhere.


Ah man this is really sad. We ended up doing the same thing a few times. Luckily we have a community member who has been in crypto for a long time so we have handed him the management of our accounts.

Yup, I felt like shit even if it was just $40. I felt humiliated hehe

Yeah its not about the money but what actually happened.

Greeting @vlemon,

I can feel you man, I also got scammed twice, In this digital era scammers are everywhere if we do not pay attention to everything on a particular project then any time we can get scammed : (

Thank you for sharing : )

Yup, it is difficult to protect our assets out there hehe !

Hello @vlemon,

I feel very disappointed about these projects, there are plenty of these kinds of project who scammes people every day

Well, this project is legit. I just got the wrong scammy twitter hehe

Hi @vlemon.
First of all I thank you for sharing with us readers this bitter experience you have gone through because this can happen to any of us and with this we can prevent being a victim of scammers who are at the surface and want to take advantage of everyone.

Thank you for your kind words. This is truly the Wild West out there.

Hi @vlemon
Thanks for sharing your experience over here so that other people can also be aware to avoid such instances with them.
This is sad that you have gone through this kind of project where you lost money. I think this can happen with anyone because some scammers are putting things in a way that it looks genuine.

Always double check twitter to check that they are legit ones, same thing for website URLs.

Greetings @vlemon how valuable that you have not shared your experience, although unpleasant you give us the opportunity not to fall into the same mistakes. Regards

Indeed, I hope it would help other users to keep their guard up. Always !

Greetings friend @vlemon, it is unfortunate that you have fallen into the trap, as you say, we are human and sometimes we can let our guard down, and that is just what scammers need, a single oversight on our part, thanks for alerting us and telling us about your experience.

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