Paralysis by analysis: Our Worst Fear

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Making a decision is always very hard to do especially when we have lot of options going through our minds, this is one thing that always affect me all the time, most times I will want to post about one thing, and immediately another thing will pop up and another till I end up posting nothing. This is something we all are passing through we overthink may things and end up doing nothing. Paralysis by analysis is really happening.

What is paralysis by analysis?

Many can call It analysis paralysis but I view it as a really problem to success. This really mean when you overthink on things or decisons you suppose to do and at the end you did do anything. I still remember when I want to start a blog, first thing I was thinking about was which niche will I be good at, lot of niche started popping up, I even make research and at the end I couldn’t do anything because I was so lose in my thought.

I remember a story I was told back then when I was young, the story about a cat and a fox who where in a situation and needed an escape route, the fox have lot of way to escape but the cat only have one escape route, when the hunter arrive, the cat climbed a tree but the fox was lost in thought thinking which is the best route to take since he has lot of options but at the end he was caught.

What am I driving at, overthinking is really an hinderance to success or you moving forward, all you need is just a push to start, you have this business on your mind or you what to start your own blog, you don’t need to start thinking on how will you start, where will you get the money from, or how will you draw in audience or potential customer even when you havent start, just start from somewhere and along the way, you will start knowing how things should go then you can now start applying the strategy to use.

I once read it from somewhere that samsung once focused on trade export, selling korean fish and even vegetables when they started, but see them now. You don’t need to start from the perfect place or with the perfect product, start with something, start that blog, join that niche untill you understand the market. You not doing anything wont give you the perfect understanding you need, get involved and with think you will know what to do. Most business or blog failed when they first start, but the rise up after analysis where the problems really came from and restrategies. Stop thinking too much and start that thing on your mind.


"This really mean when you overthink on things or decisons you suppose to do and at the end you did do anything."

I have been a victim of these several times. How can one really overcome it

We all are victims. I will be stating ways to overcome it in my next post

overthinking is really an hinderance to success or you moving forward, all you need is just a push to start, you have this business on your mind.

Thoughts can be very discouraging and very distracting especially when it involves attaining something. There are negative thoughts that break the will to continue also having mixed thoughts is one thing that hinders productivity.

Yes negative thought, at times I always wish they don't come

What a very lovely insight about paralysis by analysis and I think what really matter most is the outcome of our decision. We all want to win at the end of it all.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborlaand and I hope you have a great day ahead

Thanks, so glad you love it

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