Journey Into The World Of Self Publishing

in Project HOPE4 years ago



Self publishing is the word that came up today and I will love to discuss something about it. I vividly remember back then that publishing a book isn’t as easy as we all thing especially when you will need to pass through the normal traditional mode of publishing which do take time, pass through screening and even lot of competitors. I know of two occasions were someone write-up was rejected all because it doesn’t meant the standard guiding publish and the person had to give up writing but come to think of it, if the person have idea about how to take full responsibility and publish the book on his own without passing through and traditional mod of publishing, he wouldn’t have given up when he was rejected. So let get to it

What is Self-Publishing All About?

In a simple definition, Self-Publishing is when you take full responsibility of publishing a book or work on your own without a publishing house or company interfering, which mean you have full authority over everything which include writing the book, editing the book, designing the book cover and every publishing process you can think of. Check the image below to know some of the process.

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Most of the writers nowadays who do engage in self publishing always make use of some self-publishing platform, I know most will be asking me how to self publish a book. I once saw someone telling us on a Whatsapp group to check out his book he publish on kindle, which I check it out, I notice most people make use of the site to publish their book. Yes the site is one of the self publishing platform created by Amazon, You must have heard of Amazon KDP (kindle direct publishing) which was finally launched around November 2017. You can make use of this platform if you want to publish a book all by yourself.

The question that came to mind just now was, What If Am Not Good With The Steps? You don’t need to put all the effort on yourself alone, you can hire expert who can help in designing, editing and even help you market your book after publishing, all you need to do is to monitor and fund the whole process.

Let me drop some details about Traditional Publishing in case you want to know which one is the best to take. Traditional Publishing is the other version of self publishing, here you wont be in charge of the whole process, after completing your write up, you will have to pass through some process which at times is always time consuming and even competitive, you need to secure some agent, secure a publisher who will help in publishing and also give you a contract which means he is buying the rights you have over your book. If you agreed to the contract, then all the process will be done by him and at times you might even be rejected.

Now you know the difference, I will have to put a stop and continue next time. The pros and cons behind self publishing will be discuss next. Stay tune.



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